Lian's photos


08 Feb 2021 8 10 205
Makina W67 Rollei RPX 100 Self-developed in D76 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

As if in 1970s...

08 Apr 2020 10 8 224
Makina W67 Kodak Vision3 50D 5203

The Real World

21 Apr 2020 17 14 259
Dreams aren't crazy---- it's the real word that's insane... ----W. Szymborska· The Real World ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plaubel 69W ProShift Fuji Acros 100 Self-developed in D76 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro


04 Apr 2020 19 12 223
"I suppose, in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of lettting go."


29 Apr 2019 19 10 268
Makina 670 Rollei CR200 Self-developed in E6 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Concert in Embassy

02 Jun 2017 11 13 264
An old picture for all the friends in Italia and Europe, as we are in the same world. ---------------------------------------------------- Makina 670 Kodak Ektar100 Self-developed in E6 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Chinese arbor

01 Nov 2019 14 10 460
Makina 670 Kodak E100G Self-developed in E6 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Relic of a city gate in Hanzhou

02 May 2017 23 16 457
Makina 670 Portra 400 Self-developed in C41 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro Converted to BW with Silver Efex Pro

Bus stop

04 Dec 2017 13 13 386
Makina 670 Shanghai GP3 Self-developed in D76 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Electronics Shop

17 Jan 2019 12 14 457
Makina 670 Fuji Provia 400 Self-developed in E6 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

The wheel

26 Sep 2018 15 16 389
Makina 670 Shanghai GP3 Self-developed in D76 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

A photo of photo ​​​​

07 Oct 2018 15 21 503
Makina 670 Kodak E100VS Self-developed in E6 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Under Footbridge

03 Dec 2017 18 15 401
They call it: space It's easy to define with that one word, much harder with many. —— Szymborska · Before a Journey ----------------------------------------------------- Makina 670 Shanghai GP3 Self-developed in D76 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Bamboo House

18 Sep 2016 16 13 549
Plaubel 69W ProShift Fuji Acros 100 Self-developed in D76 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Abandoned Plant

26 Apr 2017 9 2 337
Makina 670 Kodak Portra 400 Self-developed in C41 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Sitting-room of A Chinese Country Gentleman

11 Sep 2018 13 16 586
Makina 670 Fuji Provia 100 Self-developed in E6 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

Dusk was just falling ...

05 Feb 2018 13 8 406
Makina 670 Kodak portra 800 Self-developed in C41 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro


26 Oct 2017 33 26 600
Makina 670 Fuji PRO 160NS Self-developed in C41 Scanned with PrimeFilm 120 Pro

77 items in total

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