Reaching for the Light


Reaching for the Light


15 Jul 2017 50 42 224
Could use prayers for my brother-in-law Matt who went in to the hospital Saturday for massive blood clots and is in critical condition and facing more procedures. The doctors have never seen anything like this. They are going very slowly to try to break up the clots, stop internal bleeding, giving transfusions and dealing with total blockages and liver and organ damage.


02 Sep 2021 50 45 413
For someone going through a difficult period in their life, the lotus is a symbol of overcoming adversity and hardship, while still keeping one’s spirit intact. It was believed that the lotus flower offered strength and power.


31 Aug 2021 39 33 236
Please continue to pray for Matt as he had a tough weekend and is back in the ICU.

Unity & Togetherness

31 Aug 2021 55 37 265
The symbolism of Hydrangea flowers varies drastically between cultures. In Japan, the flower is associated with heartfelt emotion, understanding and apology. The hydrangea can further symbolize unity and togetherness.


31 Aug 2021 62 63 296
My sincere gratitude to all of you that have been praying for and asking about my brother-in-law Matt. After a serious, complicated surgery where they resected 15 feet of his small intestines and left him with an iliostomy bag that he will have for 4 months before they put him back together, they sedated him and put him on a ventilator. 5 days later, they took him off sedation and then off the ventilator. The next day, they took out the NG tube and he had his first food/drink in 23 days. He is still having to have transfusions and may have to deal with that the rest of his life. That's the last I heard as of Monday morning. Still praying that they figure out the balance between needing to give him blood thinners so he doesn't develop more clots and him bleeding out and needing transfusions. Just so much for one person to have to go through.

Pink Water Lilies

Blushing Beauty

September Bloom

Christmas Cheer

01 Jul 2021 51 43 372
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

Lo, How a Rose e’er Blooming

10 Sep 2018 58 44 413
From tender stem hath sprung! Of Jesse’s lineage coming, As men of old have sung. It came, a flow’ret bright, Amid the cold of winter, When half spent was the night. Isaiah ’twas foretold it, The Rose I have in mind; With Mary we behold it, The virgin mother kind. To show God’s love aright, She bore to men a Savior, When half spent was the night. This Flow’r, whose fragrance tender With sweetness fills the air, Dispels with glorious splendor The darkness everywhere. True man, yet very God, From sin and death He saves us, And lightens every load.

Wish for Peace

24 items in total