"Faded Violets"

Mittens & Mini-Socks 2012

A selection of stitch and color studies in the shape of mittens or mini-socks, designed by Janet Perry.

I'm choosing colors from my stash, not necessarily the ones suggested by the designer...

23 Apr 2012

131 visits

"Faded Violets"

More like lime ade with my color choices!

24 Apr 2012

126 visits

"Faded Violets" mitten

completed April 23, 2012

18 May 2012

115 visits

"Morning Sky"

completed May 17, 2012

18 May 2012

116 visits

"Morning Sky" mitten

completed May 17, 2012

30 Jun 2012

87 visits

One Singular Carnation

completed June 29, 2012

21 Jul 2012

92 visits

"Aurora Borealis" mitten

completed July 20, 2012

23 Jul 2012

142 visits

"Aurora Borealis"

completed July 22, 2012

23 Aug 2012

124 visits

Japanese Maple

completed August 23, 2012

23 Aug 2012

91 visits

Japanese Maple mitten

completed August 23, 2012
23 items in total