"Faded Violets"

Mittens & Mini-Socks 2012

A selection of stitch and color studies in the shape of mittens or mini-socks, designed by Janet Perry.

I'm choosing colors from my stash, not necessarily the ones suggested by the designer...

18 Feb 2013

146 visits

"Quince" mitten

completed February 17, 2013

17 Mar 2013

107 visits

Mt. Fuji

Completed March 15, 2013

18 Mar 2013

126 visits

Mt. Fuji mitten

completed March 17, 2013

14 Apr 2013

113 visits


completed April 13, 2013

16 Apr 2013

134 visits

Flip mitten

completed April 15, 2013
23 items in total