Ecobird's photos

Bright Lights

18 Dec 2023 61 102 191
Cornhill, Bridgwater, Somerset and the lights shine brightly on a night in the approach to Christmas. I have added a song called 'Bright Lights, Late Nights' by the Speakeasies' Swing Band and 'Christmas Lights' by Coldplay I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a happy New Year

The Golden Ball (and PiP)

18 Dec 2023 45 78 183
Evening in St Mary's Churchyard in Bridgwater. With Christmas rapidly approaching the tree is decorated with lights and the welcoming lights of the Golden Ball pub bathe the church pathway in a golden glow. The PiP shows the High Street with Christmas decorations and the front of the Golden Ball i shighlighted in the note. The present church dates back at least to 1157, although the original church was believed to predate the Norman Conquest. Additons to the church over the years, particularly through the 14th and 15th centuries resulted in the beautiful church we see today, Gothic in appearance with large stained glass windows and a spire of 174 ft, the tallest in the county, and it is a Grade 1 listed building. I wish you all a very happy Christmas, whichever pathway you take - the road to righteousness or the road to revelry, and whether your hosts are of the angelic variety or just look like it after a few glasses of Christmas spirit!! Cheers!! I have added a Jason Aldean song called " Church Pew or Bar Stool" Best viewed large I think. Thank you

Reach for the Sky (PiP)

23 Oct 2023 72 70 223
We saw this wonderful old tree on Lydeard Hill in Somerset and it seemed to stretch out and upwards towards the sky. I have added a song from Cutting Crew called 'Reach for the Sky'

Funghi With Frills!

23 Oct 2023 49 46 158
Captured at Lydeard Hill, Somerset. I have not idea what these 'mushrooms' are but I thought they looked quite attractive. They looked almost transluscent in the sunshine. If anyone has an ideas what they might be I would appreciate it. The closest I could come to a 'Fun -ghi' link was this song sung by some pretty well know 'guys' Here is 'Fun, Fun, Fun' by Status Quo and the Beach Boys!! Best vieweed large I think. Thank you.

Wild and Free (PiP)

23 Oct 2023 80 113 258
Pictured at Lydeard Hill on the Quantock Hills, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). We went for a walk and enjoyed the peaceful beauty and Autumn colours, and were delighted to see some wild Quantock ponies. Over the fence is the Vale of Taunton Deane I have added a song by Reba McEntire called 'Just Like Them Horses' This is best viewed large I think. Many thanks.

Silent Working Harbour (Pip)

07 May 2023 61 74 202
Pictured at Crail Harbour, Fife on a misty, murky day. A working harbour therefore the scene is a little messy but I liked the colours and the moody atmosphere. It might look a silent, peaceful scene but outside the harbour walls the mist was thicker and the waves were really crashing into shore. Here in the harbour the mist seemed to dampen the sounds I have therefore added a song called 'In the Silence' sung here by JP Cooper I would appreciate it if you could view large. Many thanks.

A Walk on the Quantock Hills

23 Oct 2023 72 98 224
Captured at Lydeard Hill, on the Quantock Hills which became England's first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). I loved the changing colours and the peaceful setting. Lydeard Hill shows on the map as being 365 metres high. A walk on 'higher ground' with changing colours made me think of this link:- I have therefore added a song called 'Higher Ground' performed by Playing for Change Please view large for best effect. Many thanks

Tortured Metal and Broken Beauty (PiP)

30 Sep 2023 81 120 312
Captured on a late windy afternoon at Birnbeck Pier and Island, Weston Super Mare. The PiP shows the twisted metal of the pier in close up, with the Welsh coast visible across the Bristol Channel in the background. The end of the pier in the PiP was where pleasure boats such as the steam boat, the Waverley' used to arrive and depart from. I can still remember taking a trip from there as a child. Opening in 1867 the pier was popular with locals and tourists alike who have enjoyed funfairs and amusements and later on a beer cellar and theatre, and as you can see from the picture the lifeboat station was later housed here. Now at last after many years of promises as broken as the structures here, the money has been found to restore this wonderful old pier and contractors have been appointed. I look forward to seeing the pier finally restored to it's former glory I have added a song called 'Broken' by Jake Bugg Please view large for full details. Many thanks

Brimstone Butterfly (PiP)

09 Aug 2023 55 74 243
Captured at Burrington Coombe where butterflies drifted lazily around in the sunshine. I believe this is a Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) ? I have added 'Elusive Butterfly' sung here by Laurel Lea Best viewed large I think. Thank you

A Seat by the Lock Gates

19 May 2023 67 103 306
Captured at the sea lock at Ardrishaig on the Crinan Canal The canal flows into Loch Gilp here. It is a quiet day and the seat by the lock remains empty


09 May 2023 66 99 238
On the way to Loch Katrine we stopped at Loch Achray. The lochside trees captured my attention, and I particularly liked the shape of the old bare tree as it caught the sunlight.. Best viewed large I think. Thank you I have added 'Naked' by James Arthur

Weathered and Time -Worn HWW

07 May 2023 67 94 237
Found at Crail Harbour. This weathered wall and distressed looking door with peeling paint and rusty bolt caught my eye. I loved the colours in the wall and rough textures that made it look as if it had been battered my storms for a thousand years or more. I have added 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri as a link

Bench and Boat (PiP) HBM

15 May 2023 65 99 294
Captured at the Crinan Canal. I loved the way the highly varnished bench was echoed in the wooden boat here.

The Beauty of Trees (PiPs x 4) HFF

12 May 2023 50 83 206
Captured at Lendrick Hill, Callender, Perthshire. The woods here are so beautiful and peaceful and I have included detail in the PiPs which I really liked. I hope you do too I have added a song by Westlife called Evergreen Best viewed large I think. Many thanks

The Man In The Mist! (PiPs) HBM/HWW!

07 May 2023 59 88 264
Mist rolls in from the sea at Crail a small fishing village in the East Neuk of Fife, and the man in the distance looks out across the sea, barely visible in these conditions. This wall is all that remains of Crail Castle, thought to have dated back to at least the 12th century, with the tower a later addition. Certainly David of Scotland (1124 - 1153) used it as his occasional residence. Crail was granted Royal Burgh status in 1178, but by 1568 Mary Queen of Scots was said to have written that it was in a ruinous state with only the moat remaining. The third and 4th PiPs are of the sundial which served sailors, fishermen and townspeople for over 200 years in Crail Harbour, and which was removed in 1883, restored and placed in it's current position in 1890, and the sign on the rails with the above information. So I wonder - who is the man in the mist. Who are you? Here is a song by JJ Heller called 'Who Are You'

Thalassa (PiP) HFF!

18 May 2023 67 114 347
Campbeltown captured from across the harbour at Low Askomill. The beautiful three masted tall ship the Thalassa can be seen here and a closer shot is in the PiP.. Built in 1980 the Barquentine Thalassa is one of the most beautiful and fastest sea sailers of the Dutch fleet. Thalassa was built in 1980 in the traditional way and designed as a barquentine. Therefore, the foremast has a transverse rigging; the main mast and the mizzen mast have a longitudinal rigging. She is 47m long and hen this was captured she had just finished a week long whisky tour, but she is also available for cruises and trips. This is in 16.9 so I would appreciate it if you could view this on full screen. Many thanks

Touching The Sky!

17 May 2023 51 81 284
Campbeltown Loch, Argyll, Scotland. From this close up shot the tall 'Torbay Palm' trees seem to touch the sky. Framed between the trees you have a glimpse of Davaar Island situated at the mouth of Campbeltown Loch off the east coast of Kintyre I have added 'Touch the Sky' performed by the Mamas

Geese in the Long Grass! (PiPs)

16 May 2023 82 124 331
Captured off the Ganavan Road. Oban. From here you can see the Isle of Lismore with the Isle of Mull behind it. The geese in the PiPs were in the field on the left hand side. The second PiP amused me with the geese at the bottom of the picture buried up to thir necks in grass, - so low in fact I am sure they could almost hear the grass growing!!! I have added a song by the Move called 'I Can Hear The Grass Grow' They put up with us taking photos for a while and then took off (PiP 3) I have also added a song called 'Birds' sung here by Linda Ronstadt Best viewed large I think. Thank you

649 photos in total