Hang in there Baby...

Moths of 2010

Folder: All Moths

Scarce Footman Side

Mottled Beauty

08 Jul 2010 91
A lovely variation of a common moth we see.

Platyptilia pallidactyla

May Highflyer

Short-cloaked Moth Side

Short-cloaked Moth

Brown-tail Moth Face

08 Jul 2010 111
Many folks have heard of this moth in its caterpillar form, they can reach large numbers in the areas they are, making bag type webs on the food plants. The hairs of the caterpillars are very irritating to the skin if touched much, but more importantly to the lungs in areas were there are large numbers.

Brown-tail Moth

08 Jul 2010 84
Many folks have heard of this moth in its caterpillar form, they can reach large numbers in the areas they are, making bag type webs on the food plants. The hairs of the caterpillars are very irritating to the skin if touched much, but more importantly to the lungs in areas were there are large numbers.

Common Lutestring

Elachista rufocinerea

07 Jul 2010 65
Not 100% about this ID, but it seems to be the best fit.

Bryotropha domestica

Oegoconia quadripuncta

Oegoconia quadripuncta Top

Light Arches

Parachronistis albiceps

Not Sure Tort

07 Jul 2010 69
I was thinking Acleris ferrugana for this guy, but after looking further that doesn't fit. Size wise it is a bit big for a Clepsis consimilana maybe female or Cyclamen Tortrix possibly, not had one of those at the house yet.

Batia unitella Top

Batia unitella

919 items in total