Hang in there Baby...

Moths of 2010

Folder: All Moths

Satin Lutestring

Satin Lutestring Open

Lobster Moth

Cork Moth

Ypsolopha ustella

Batia lunaris

Common Rustic

Barred Straw

Rush Veneer

Mugwort Plume

14 Jul 2010 55
Ovendenia lienigianus

Orchard Ermine

14 Jul 2010 62
These are really hard to be sure of, this has the darker scales on the side so I think this is going to be the Orchard.

Apple Ermine

14 Jul 2010 74
These are very difficult to distinguish from Orchard Ermine but the whiter background of the wing is a feature. Only way to be 100% is to send them to the chop :0

Unknown Possibly Ling Pug

Apple Ermine

14 Jul 2010 69
These are very difficult to distinguish from Orchard Ermine but the whiter background of the wing is a feature. Only way to be 100% is to send them to the chop :0

Lozotaeniodes formosanus

14 Jul 2010 61
A large very attractive Tort.

Unknown Micro

12 Jul 2010 58
I just can't seem to find a good match so if anyone has any ideas I'm listening :)

Zeiraphera isertana

Zeiraphera isertana Top

919 items in total