Pyramidal Orchid @ Friston

Friston Forest

Folder: Nature Spaces
Between Eastbourne and Seaford, magical place for butterflies and downs species.

Omaloplia ruricola

22 Jul 2013 197
A notable species and new for us.

Omaloplia ruricola Top

22 Jul 2013 345
A notable species and new for us.

Resting or Dinning?

The Gathering

22 Jul 2013 1 197
Chalkhill Blue butterflies wrangle each other for a good spot on the poo, who said dog poo was useless?

Marbled White

Forester on Scabious

Small Blue

Chalkhill Blue Female

Gallop Hill

Chalkhill Blue

What Are You Looking At

Chalkhill Blue Male

Ye Ol Bench

07 Jul 2014 1 192
Recently we decided to take a holiday..we went to Friston Forest which is near East Dean between Seaford and Eastbourne. (Seriously with the lovely wild areas so near us, who needs cruises?) Its a brilliant place for butterflies and moths, and flowers too. We never seem to get past the field called Gallop Hill, but we were determinded to do just that! We planned everything perfectly, train to Eastbourne, Bus to East Dean and its right at one of the entrances...perfect right? No we paniced and got off one stop too early, half a mile straight up Thank goodness for this bench at just the right spot, nearly died before we even got

Another Tiny Metallic Wasp

07 Jul 2014 1 212
On Burdock

Southern Hawker Aeshna cyanea

07 Jul 2014 1 225
Last year we saw one of these at the end of July, and it was the earliest for us, this year 7 July!

Golden Sea

07 Jul 2014 1 236
A hay field we walked through to get to the Friston Forest Proper, was lovely gold.

Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus

07 Jul 2014 1 227
Our second encounter with one of these guys, they are sooooo docile (or lethargic) not sure which. They will let you walk right up to them, we actually hand fed this little guy with crust from a sandwich. He was right in the middle of the footpath, I nearly stepped on him, good thing we are always looking. So cute hopping around on wobbly legs :D

116 items in total