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By Christel Ehretsmann

38 favorites


où tout est communication

By Christel Ehretsmann

45 favorites

" rain and tears "

et pourtant je ne choisis pas la version de D. Roussos

By Christel Ehretsmann

10 favorites

le printemps , bientôt 2

By Lebojo

36 favorites


By Christel Ehretsmann

27 favorites

être deux bientôt trois ...pour la Saint Valentin

By Christel Ehretsmann

45 favorites

le printemps en noir et blanc

By Matzefatze

18 favorites

happy new year

Blade Runner edition :-)

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By honeyj

38 favorites

je me souviens de dien bien phu

that's where we gotta go. I don't see it. where is it? it's out there. and we gotta go now. just you and me? well, there ain't nobody else here, is there? yeah, but why us? it looks far. it'll be a snap, you'll see. just don't get too near the edge. what? why not? big fish out there. real big. bite your head off if you let 'em. no way! especially a tasty morsel like yourself. hey, I ain't so tasty, ok? you know it, and I know it. but those monsters out there? they don't know it.

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By honeyj

19 favorites

the wrath of god

and so God got totally sick of mankind, right? he told Noah he's gonna destroy the earth, and all living creatures dwelling under the heavens. yeah, cattle, fowl, crawling creatures, all that. so he makes it rain 40 days and 40 nights, right? and the earth is flooded for months and months, because God wants to wipe out all living things. except those on the ark, of course. yeah, and fishes. whaddya mean, fishes? well, Noah didn't bring fishes onto the ark, did he? don't think so. but fishes ain't gonna die in no flood, are they? no. but why would God want to kill fishes anyway? same reason he wants to kill dogs and cats and chickens. whatever that is. but not fishes, obviously. it's logically inconsistent. it vexes me. well, he saved humans and animals too, didn't he? yeah, and why? didn't he regret creating humans? yeah, he did. so why give them a 2nd chance? how the hell should I know? he's god, not me. well, he should have thought through this ark thing more. you tell him that. now finish your drink. ok. but it's your turn to pick up the check. that's what you said last time, you weasel. whatever.
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