Toronto - Hitchcock - 1986


Black and white, monochrome or mainly monochrome....

3 men at home - 1939

12 Nov 2006 15 12 1638
my grandfather, grand granduncle and father in their very small farmhouse in western styria.............

after the rain

Puerto Natales

Puerto Natales

15 Jan 2010 12 5 1232
better in large!

r e t r o

15 Jan 2010 11 5 1059
Hotel Posada Rio Rubens, south of Puerto natales

cloudbank and little houses

Punta Arenas cemetery

broken view

16 Jan 2010 30 5 1620
see PiP for color version

Puerto del Hambre

17 Jan 2010 3 865
in the far south of Chile...

gimme some brightness

17 Jan 2010 27 13 1532
Puerto de Hambre - in the far south of Chile

Puerto de Hambre

17 Jan 2010 38 1 1708
a very lonesome fishing port in the far south of Chile

fenced horizon

17 Jan 2010 12 1 1235
Fuerte Bulnes at the Strait of Magellan

w a i t i n g

17 Jan 2010 27 8 1413
at the Strait of Magellan, south of Punta Arenas

Rio Maipo....I'm free

no free runway....

406 items in total