Toronto - Hitchcock - 1986


Black and white, monochrome or mainly monochrome....


26 Nov 2010 33 7 1348
Grand Jorasses

Vernal Falls - 1986

20 May 1986 56 19 1354
Yosemite Valley scanned slide Minolta X700, Fujichrome100


16 Aug 1981 23 7 1252
Mont Blanc massif - B/W version

Half Dome - Yosemite 1986

peaks and summits

hey cloud take me for a ride........

13 Jan 2010 26 6 2330
click me for a ride.......

lonesome at the river

leading to

lack of water

no flights departing....

18 Jan 2010 25 6 1649
no idea why...........;-) better on black or large

another year on the bumpy road

my sunny village

far landscape

lost fire truck

steam's out

16 Jan 2010 12 4 1030
old steam excavator - 1928

406 items in total