A-dos-Ruivos, hamlet street


Júlio César Machado (1835-1890)

14 Apr 2014 4 11 415
"A-dos-Ruivos, ali escrevia na solidão da aldeia tendo diante de mim um ramo de giestas, saragoças, flores de cavaleiro, verdizelas e sorrisos do campo...", in "A VIDA ALEGRE" ........................................................................................................................ A 12 de Janeiro de 1890, JCM suicidou-se, com a mulher, por não conseguir suportar o desgosto com a morte prematura do seu filho único.

"I wanted X"

06 May 2014 3 8 430
A COVERED BRIDGE IN LITTLETON, NEW HAMPSHIRE I can remember when I wanted X more than anything ever - for X fill in from your own childhood [list of examples] [balloons, pencil lead, trading card, shoelaces, a bow or not to have to wear a bow] and now I am moved to action, when I am moved, principally by a memory of what to want. The point is to be, in your own eyes, what you are, or to keep your own tools, so that you can pretend. And so it was no surprise, to me at least, when Cooper, who is two, collapsed in "fortíssimo" fits when he could not have a $20, thre-foot-long stuffed frog in the image of Frog from "Frog and Toad", since he is Toad. That morning, needing a nap, he had thrown, from the third-storey balcony of Miller's Cafe and Bakery, into the whistling rapids and shallows of the Ammonoosuc River, with its arrowheads and caravans of stones, his Red Sox cap. His hair was shining like another planet's second sun as he explained, looking up, «I threw my hat in the river. I would like my hat back now.» by Stephen BURT, in "LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS", Volume 36, Number 9, 8 May 2014

Month of Mary - I

14 May 2014 3 7 286

What a great cabbage soup

Month of Mary - II

14 May 2014 3 7 388

A big smile to you

14 May 2014 5 8 340


14 May 2014 5 8 406

Month of Mary - IV

14 May 2014 6 11 355

Month of Mary - III

14 May 2014 4 10 384

Month of Mary - V

14 May 2014 6 15 319

Month of Mary - VI

14 May 2014 4 5 359

The cactus and the snail hibernated on the pillow


12 Jun 2014 6 10 264

Persistent Light

12 Aug 2014 4 8 542


12 Aug 2014 6 12 637

704 items in total