A-dos-Ruivos, hamlet street


A-dos-Ruivos, HOSANNA!

A-dos-Ruivos, the indefinite embrace of nightfall

A-dos-Ruivos, old trees die standing (1)

A-dos-Ruivos, old trees die standing (2)

A-dos-Ruivos, old trees die standing (3)

A-dos-Ruivos, at first sight

A-dos-Ruivos, smooth landing

A-dos-Ruivos, "to be in the turning of the worlds…

23 May 2010 4 4 875
"To live a dispassionate, cultured life beneath the dewfall of ideas, reading, dreaming and thinking about writing, a life slow enough to be always just on the edge of tedium, but considered enough not to slip into it. To live a life from emotions and thoughts, enjoying only the thought of emotions and the emotion of thoughts. To stagnate, golden, in the sun like a dark lake surrounded by flowers. To entertain in the shadows that noble individuality of mind that consists in not expecting anything from life. To be in the turning of the worlds like the dust of flowers that an unknown wind lifts through the evening air, and that the torpor of nightfall lets fall randomly, to lie unnoticed amongst larger things. To be all this with an assured knowledge, neither happy nor sad, grateful to the sun for its brilliance and to the stars for their distance. To be nothing more, to have nothing more, to want nothing more...The music of the hungry man, the song of the blind man, the rellic of the unknown traveller, the footsteps in the desert of the empty camel with nowhere to go..." by Fernando Pessoa, in "The Book of Disquiet"

A-dos-Ruivos, olive tree (1)

A-dos-Ruivos, olive tree (2)

A-dos-Ruivos, olive tree (3)

A-dos-Ruivos, olive tree (4)

A-dos-Ruivos, olive tree (5)

A-dos-Ruivos, olive tree (6)

A-dos-Ruivos, Formula 1 race

A-dos-Ruivos, pear orchard

A-dos-Ruivos, Autumn is coming

A-dos-Ruivos, welcome home (1)

670 items in total