Armando Taborda's photos


05 Feb 2018 8 10 370
The pillow hot On both sides, The second candle Dying, the ravens Crying. Haven't Slept all night, too late To dream of sleep... How unbearably white The blind on the white window. Good morning, morning! (1909) /// da NOITE O travesseiro quente Dos dois lados, A segunda vela A morrer, os corvos A gritarem. Não dormi Toda a noite, tarde demais Para sonhar com dormir... Quão insuportavelmente branca A persina na janela branca. Bom dia, manhã! (1909) by Anna AKHMATOVA (1889-1966), in "SELECTED POEMS", edited by The Folio Socirty Lda, 2016 (Portuguese translated by Armando TABORDA, 2018)

Backstage on the ceiling

"MEDITATION" the cliff, sea ahead

09 Jan 2018 5 10 199
by Antonieta ROQUE GAMEIRO, terracotta and stone

Have much to climb to reach full light

Only a small group of terrestrials will have condi…

02 Feb 2018 9 13 244
(photo taken by the rover Curiosity, NASA)

The toilet of the Portuguese caravels and galleons

28 Jan 2018 10 12 247
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30 Jan 2018 9 17 429
Inside this new love, die. Your way begins on the other side. Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape. Walk out like someone suddenly born into color. Do it now. You're covered with thick cloud. Slide out the side. Die, and be quiet. Quiteness is the surest sign that you've died. Your old life was a frantic running from silence. The speechless full moon comes out now. /// SERENIDADE Morre, dentro deste novo amor. O teu caminho começa do outro lado. Transforma-te em céu. Dá com um machado na parede da prisão. Evade-te. Vai-te embora como alguém subitamente nascido para a cor. Fá-lo agora. Estás encoberto por uma nuvem espessa. Desliza para fora. Morre, e fica sereno. A serenidade é o sinal mais seguro de que morreste. A tua antiga vida foi uma corrida frenética de silêncio. A lua cheia emudecida nasce agora. by Jelaluddin Muhammad BALKHI, better known as RUMI, born in Balkh in what is now Afghanistan (1207-1273), in "SELECTED POEMS", Edited by The Folio Society Lda, 2017 (Portuguese translated by Armando TABORDA, 2018) (photo taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA)

Straight line segment

23 Jan 2018 7 11 241
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Sometimes the Portugália rare steak tastes good

Tomorrow - 07:00/14:00

17 Jan 2018 5 12 282
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The fire's hand is forgotten so far

Quem garante que as dádivas de roupas usadas são d…

23 Jan 2018 5 8 158
Who guarantees that the second hand cloth donations are distributed to the have-nots?

The Kiss

23 Jan 2018 10 18 462
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Apparatus to keep us standing, without pedaling

23 Jan 2018 6 9 345
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7007 items in total