IBa00 Net Trap Deployed

2014 Bali, Indonesia Moths

Folder: Far East
Some Moths recorded at the Maya Ubud Hotel, Bali, Indonesia from our villa in the gardens during our stay. For views of the hotel grounds and the adjacent river valley as well as other wildlife seen, look through our complementary Bali Scenes and Wildlife Album.

Although quite some time has been spent researching identifications, many of these moths are not illustrated anywhere, and so identifica…  (read more)

IBa016 Creatonotos gangis

03 Oct 2014 962
Erebidae, Arctiinae - Wingspan: 37mm. A single specimen came in to our overnight Light Trap on the 3rd.

IBa017 Nannoactia conjuncta

03 Oct 2014 253
Erebidae, Arctiinae - Wingspan: 40mm. A single specimen came in to our overnight Light Trap on the 3rd.

IBa018 Spilosoma cervina

03 Oct 2014 302
Erebidae, Arctiinae - Wingspan: 45mm. A single specimen came in to our overnight Light Trap on the 3rd.

IBa018 Spilosoma cervina

03 Oct 2014 350
Erebidae, Arctiinae - Wingspan: 45mm. A single specimen came in to our overnight Light Trap on the 3rd.

IBa019 Agrotis ipsilon (Dark Sword-grass)

03 Oct 2014 285
Noctuidae, Noctuinae - Wingspan: 46mm. An unexpected species to see after going almost half-way around the world, but this species is a powerful migrant and appears almost anywhere. A single specimen occurred on the first night's Light Trapping on the 3rd.

IBa020 Athetis reclusa?

03 Oct 2014 2 295
Noctuidae, Noctuinae - Wingspan: 30mm. A non-descript species. A single specimen occurred on the first night's Light Trapping on the 3rd. My thanks to Ryan, below, for suggesting the Genus, and checks in the BoldSystems database shows a specimen very similar in the set listed as Athetis reclusa. However, the postmedial fasciata lines of other examples were slightly crenate, whilst this specimen has smoothly curved lines. Whether this is just a variation in colouring I am not sure.

IBa021 Lymantria sps

03 Oct 2014 295
Erebidae, Lymantriinae - Wingspan: 36mm. A larger Lymantrid not yet identified. One specimen came in to the Light Trap on the 3rd.

IBa022 Eupanacra elegantulus

03 Oct 2014 337
Sphingidae, Macroglossinae - Wingspan: 54mm. A single specimen of this small Hawkmoth was discovered at rest on the wall of the Foyer under a light on the 3rd.

IBa023 Asota egens

04 Oct 2014 262
Erebidae, Aganainae - Wingspan: 66mm. A single specimen came to our Light Trap on the 4th.

IBa025 Hyposidra talaca

04 Oct 2014 380
Geometridae, Ennominae - Wingspan: 40mm. A Pest species in Tea Plantations, a single specimen of this widespread Oriental species occurred at our Light Trap on the 4th.

IBa026 Borbacha carneata

04 Oct 2014 322
Geometridae, Ennominae - Wingspan: 37mm. A single specimen of this species occurred at our Light Trap on the 4th.

IBa027 Cydalima laticostalis

04 Oct 2014 436
Crambidae - Wingspan: 38mm. A widespread Oriental species which has been recorded from India through the islands to Australia. A single specimen came to the Light Trap on the 4th.

IBa028 Agrioglypta zelimalis

04 Oct 2014 1 340
Crambidae - Wingspan: 29mm. My thanks to Ryan, below, for finding the correct ID. Two specimens came consecutively to our Light Trap on the 4th and 5th.

IBa029 Monosyntaxis sps

04 Oct 2014 298
Erebidae, Arctiinae - Wingspan: 30mm. Somewhat like a "Footman" species, this species has been difficult to identifiy. Although web pictures seem to imply that it is a member of the Monosyntaxis Genus, no illustration is exactly like this single specimen which came to our Light Trap on the 4th.

IBa030 Synchlora sps

04 Oct 2014 266
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan: 26mm. A single small "Emerald" came to our Light Trap on the 4th, but has resisted identification yet. However, there is a similarity to New World Synchlora species which might give a clue as to its identity finally.

IBa031 Tigrioides puncticollis

04 Oct 2014 294
Erebidae, Arctiinae - Wingspan: 40mm. A single specimen came in to our overnight Light Trap on the 4th.

IBa032 Nygmia sps?

04 Oct 2014 320
Erebidae, Lymantriinae - 36mm. Two specimens came in to the Light Trap on the 4th.

IBa033 Condica sp.

04 Oct 2014 2 331
Noctuidae - Wingspan: 32mm. Another non-descript species which isn't easy to identify. My thanks to Ryan for suggesting the Genus. However there are a large number of species in this particular designation, so I have to look in more detail if I can determine the species name. A single specimen occurred on the 4th at the Light Trap.

67 items in total