Adrian Jones' photos

Nigma walckenaeri (Female)

12 Sep 2018 4 4 316
A fine female specimen of the spider Nigma walckenaeri. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, September 2018. This species has only been recently recorded from Shropshire for the first time.

Common Frog (Rana temporaria)

05 Sep 2018 4 2 287
A small Common Frog (Rana temporaria) about 30mm in length seen in my garden, September 2018. If you look closely at the base of its front leg at the bottom of the black eye strip, there is a tiny springtail, Deuterosminthurus pallipes hitching a lift.

Wolf Spider

29 Aug 2018 3 1 245
A female Wolf Spider at rest in my garden.

Common Green Shieldbug Nymph (Palomena prasina)

02 Sep 2018 12 5 434
A Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina) basks in a sunny spot in my garden. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, September 2018.

Hairy Shieldbug (Dolycoris baccarum)

31 Aug 2018 7 6 449
A Hairy Shieldbug at rest on the unripe seedhead of a Devils Bit Scabious in my garden. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, August 31 2018.

Bumble Bee

29 Aug 2018 7 5 338
One of my first photos with a new camera, a Olympus E-M1 Mark II.

Nut Weevil (Cuculio nucum).

03 Aug 2018 14 15 403
A Nut Weevil (Cuculio nucum) in my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, August 3rd 2018.

Bumble Bee (Bombus pratorum).

01 Aug 2018 7 2 362
A Bumble Bee (Bombus pratorum) feeding from Devils Bit Scabious in my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1st August 2018.

Pentatoma rufipes (Red-legged Shieldbug)

30 Jul 2018 7 3 291
An adult Pentatoma rufipes (Red-legged Shieldbug) rests on a birch leaf in my garden. Shrewsbury, Shropshire 30th July 2018.

Drone Fly

12 Jul 2018 6 2 270
A Drone Fly cleans pollen from its eyes and face. Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Drinker Moth Male

07 Jul 2018 9 6 690
A fine example of a male Drinker Moth. This moth gets its name from its caterpillars habit of sipping dew and raindrops from the grasses on which it feeds, This moth was found at The Bog in Shropshire.

Common Newt

21 Jul 2018 4 3 200
We had the first rain in weeks yesterday and tonight I found many Common Newts out hunting around the garden. Taken at night with full flash.

Ceropegia sandersonii flower

30 Jun 2018 11 3 337
The wonderful and unusual flower of Ceropegia sandersonii.

Poplar Hawk Moth Portrait

25 Jun 2018 5 4 330
A female Poplar Hawk moth poses for her portrait to be taken. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, June 25th 2018.

Clubiona sp

22 Jun 2018 10 6 311
A small spider, Clubiona sp I think. Found Shrewsbury, Shropshire 22nd June 2018.

Dung Fly

20 Jun 2018 8 4 332
A Dung Fly at rest in my garden today, June 20th , 2018.

Flesh Fly

20 Jun 2018 1 202
A flesh fly resting in the sunshine in my garden, 20th June, 2018.

3282 photos in total