Adam *'s photos

21 Sep 2007

681 visits

Outdoor public typists, Bangalore, India

21 Sep 2007

295 visits

West Kensington

21 Sep 2007

338 visits

London Bridge

Au bout meridienne de la pont "London Bridge"

21 Sep 2007

421 visits


Ancienne rue pres de la monument du grand feu de Londres en 1666.

21 Sep 2007

646 visits

Monument Station feet

Ils attendent le train.

21 Sep 2007

527 visits

Monument Station train

21 Sep 2007

1 favorite

565 visits


Chez "The Round House" ä Camden Town - ancien usine pour les trains. Maintenant, il sert pour les grandes soirées et les concerts etc.

01 Jan 1980

1 comment

638 visits

City of London late 1990s

See how the City has been rebuilt since 1957 - compare with the other painting on this site ( )

01 Jan 1980

894 visits

Centre of City of London 1957 showing bomb damage

Compare this view with the 1990s view of the same. See also
5648 photos in total