Adam *'s photos

17 Dec 2005

904 visits

U dial V bring - Mangalore

21 Sep 2007

574 visits

Brooklyn Bridge orientation plaque 2007.

Notice that this old plaque still shows the World Trade Centre.

21 Sep 2007

5 favorites


966 visits

Brooklyn Bdg

21 Sep 2007

485 visits

Brooklyn Heights

21 Sep 2007

589 visits

Church in Brooklyn Heights

The church doors seen in this photograph used to be doors in the SS Normandie, which sunk in New York Harbour.

21 Sep 2007

425 visits

Ellensburg , New York State

21 Sep 2007


903 visits

Woodbourne, NY

A joke based on the Yiddish phrase: Mazel Tov.

21 Sep 2007

338 visits

Yonkers Station plaza

21 Sep 2007

1 comment

413 visits

Bangalore India

5648 photos in total