Red bush


A small but moste interesting park in London's Kensington area.

12 Apr 2009

726 visits


Holland Park, London

12 Apr 2009

2 favorites

837 visits


Holland Park, London

12 Apr 2009

3 favorites

1 comment

816 visits

Family of photographers

A Hassidic family taking pictures of a peacock in Holland Park London.

12 Apr 2009

3 favorites

898 visits


In London's Holland Park. Look carefully - it's not what it seems at first sight!

17 May 2009

578 visits

Its great having extra legs

Holland Park, London

17 May 2009

626 visits

Great curves

Peacock in Holland Park, London

21 Jun 2010

2 favorites

858 visits

Ladybird crossing

This ladybird in London's Holland Park was crossing from one plant to its neighbour

05 Apr 2015

271 visits

Heron in Holland Park

05 Apr 2015

1 favorite

283 visits

Red in Kyoto Garden

Holland Park
61 items in total