Red bush


A small but moste interesting park in London's Kensington area.
Vers Japon

20 Feb 2006

686 visits

Vers Japon

Holland Park, London

20 Feb 2006

2 favorites

1 161 visits


Building the opera stage at Holland Park House

12 Apr 2008

1 favorite

1 comment

1 005 visits

Floral steps

Holland Park, London - with a little help from my PC!

20 Feb 2006

370 visits


Holland Park, London - is full of peacocks!

20 Feb 2006

716 visits

Anglo-Hellenic in Holland park

An entrance to Holland Park next to the Greek embassy

20 Feb 2006

702 visits

The wall of Holland Park

20 Feb 2006

1 favorite

325 visits

Another peacock

Holland Park, London

20 Feb 2006

1 comment

672 visits

Dogs welcome, but ..

Holland Park, London

20 Feb 2006

1 favorite

1 comment

859 visits

Red and gold

The Japanese Garden at London's Holland Park
61 items in total