ICE and snow


A short visit to Augsburg in Germany in November 2011

16 Nov 2010

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963 visits


Night traffic in Augsburg's Pilgerhausstrasse

16 Nov 2010

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1 068 visits

Night traffic

Pilgerhausstrasse, Augsburg, Germany. Either late at night or very early in the morning

14 Nov 2010

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1 131 visits


A sculpture in Kennedyplatz, Augsburg, Germany.

14 Nov 2010

1 115 visits


The Mercury Fountain in Augsburg's Maxmilianstrasse, with angels!

13 Nov 2010

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1 146 visits


A statue outside Augsburg's Fuggerei. " The Fuggerei is the world's oldest social housing complex still in work. It is a walled enclave within the city of Augsburg, Bavaria. It takes it name from the Fugger family and was founded in 1516 by Jacob Fugger the Younger (known as "Jacob Fugger the Rich") as a place where the needy citizens of Augsburg could be housed. By 1523, 52 houses had been built, and in the coming years the area expanded with various streets, small squares and a church. The gates were locked at night, so the Fuggerei was, in its own right, very similar to a small independent medieval town. It is still inhabited today, affording it the status of being the oldest social housing project in the world. " [from: ]
32 items in total