ICE and snow


A short visit to Augsburg in Germany in November 2011

13 Nov 2010

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1 112 visits

RATHAUS facade

In full splendour, the Rathaus (Town Hall) in Augsburg, Germany. Architect: Elias Holl.

15 Nov 2010

1 favorite

876 visits


The Goldene Saal in the Rathaus of Augsburg, Germany. This ceiling was completely destroyed in WW2, and has been beautifully restored.

15 Nov 2010

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752 visits


The Goldene Saal in the Rathaus of Augsburg, Germany. This was completely destroyed in WW2, and hasd been beautifully restored.

16 Nov 2010

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893 visits


Schaezlerpalais in Augsburg, Germany

16 Nov 2010

1 favorite

912 visits

Fugger doorway

Once a building belonging to the famous Fugger family of Augsburg, now a branch of C&A. Annastrasse, Augsburg, Germany

16 Nov 2010

3 favorites

763 visits


The Festsaal in the Schaezlerpalais, which is, in my opinion, one of the best things to see when visiting Augsburg. BETTER AGAINST BLACK BACKGROUND

16 Nov 2010

5 favorites

1 020 visits

Reflective Roman

In the Römische Museum in Augsburg, Germany

14 Nov 2010

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1 comment

1 042 visits


Sign seen in Augsburg, Germany.

15 Nov 2010

1 favorite

1 145 visits

????????????????? What is it??

I saw this curious, tiny vehicle in Augsburg, Germany
32 items in total