View over Santa Cruz das Flores.

Flores - Açores

Church of the Holy Christ of Miracles (1891).

06 Sep 2015 4 2 246
At Fazenda das Lajes, southeastern Flores, Azores.

Saint Cajetan Church.

06 Sep 2015 4 1 357
At Manuel Martins Square, Lomba, eastern Flores, Azores.

Saint Cajetan Church.

06 Sep 2015 7 2 263
At Manuel Martins Square, Lomba, eastern Flores, Azores.

Império (1892).

06 Sep 2015 6 2 197
"Império" is a religious building used to prepare events and festivities related with the Holy Spirit - nor for cult ceremonies. They can be found almost everywhere in the Azores, as this one, at Lomba, eastern Flores.

Church of Our Lady of Livramento.

06 Sep 2015 3 1 440
Located at North Street, Caveira, Flores, Azores.

Cemetery with a view to the ocean.

06 Sep 2015 4 2 354
Dwellers may not care about the view... Location at North Street, Caveira, eastern Flores, Azores.

Cylinder with alternative use.

06 Sep 2015 9 3 205
Spotted at Monte das Cruzes, eastern Flores, Azores.

Natural pools.

06 Sep 2015 3 1 231
At Porto do Boqueirão, Santa Cruz das Flores, Azores.

Porto do Boqueirão.

06 Sep 2015 5 1 236
Rugged coast in the north of Santa Cruz das Flores, Azores.

A different house.

06 Sep 2015 6 2 204
Seen at Conception Street, Santa Cruz das Flores, Azores.

Church of Our Lady of Conception.

07 Sep 2015 5 4 291
Interior of the Mother Church of Santa Cruz das Flores, Azores.

Pond with the shape of the Isle of Flores.

07 Sep 2015 6 6 285
In the middle of garden between Hospital Street and Prince of Monaco Avenue, Santa Cruz das Flores, Azores.

Towering view to Santa Cruz das Flores and airport…

08 Sep 2015 4 1 216
From viewpoint at Monte, western outskirts of Santa Cruz das Flores.

Displaying old cart for ox traction.

08 Sep 2015 3 2 258
At Ponta Ruiva, village in northeastern Flores, Azores.

Coastal scenery.

08 Sep 2015 5 2 320
From viewpoint at Ponta Ruiva, northeastern Flores, Azores.

Looking down to Fajã da Ponta Ruiva.

08 Sep 2015 5 3 290
From viewpoint at Ponta Ruiva, village at northeastern Flores, Azores.

Inside private ethnological museum.

08 Sep 2015 5 3 214
At Ponta Ruiva, northeastern Flores, Azores.

Old bed in private ethnological museum.

08 Sep 2015 6 2 192
At Ponta Ruiva, northeastern Flores, Azores.

104 items in total