Steel Fez's photos

Chevy Nomad Limo

Pretty Purple

Yep! RT

Boots blond

23 Aug 2013 193
Sorry for the low quality from smart phone

Russian shopping in USA 1

23 Aug 2013 1 1 225
Sorry for the low quality from smart phone

Russian shopping in USA 3

23 Aug 2013 205
Sorry for the low quality from smart phone

Russian shopping in USA 5

23 Aug 2013 2 1 207
Sorry for the low quality from smart phone


07 Oct 2012 213
Sign says it all





01 Jun 2011 1 2 318
Sorry for the poor quality shot. The question is: Is it a candid or posed shot? My friends will get the answer.

Naughty Boy Bike

Black Shorts

Black pants

Black & Black

Yellow bug

25 Feb 2011 2 2 297
I think this is a kit car on a VW donor. It didn't have a marque. If you recognize this the brand please tell me. I would like to find out more about it.

Yellow Bug

25 Feb 2011 270
It's missing it's marque. If you know it please tell. Seen in Playa del Carmen. It drew some attention the night before this shot. Especially the cops.

46 items in total

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