
the neighborhood

Outside the house, miscellaneous flowers, nearby streets.

interlude - spring is around the corner

18 Mar 2013 57
or several corners....

interlude - back at home

17 Mar 2013 51
reflections in the snow below the windows


05 Feb 2013 61
soft focus, sort of - shot through a screen - as in screen door...

night moods

30 Jan 2013 73
original photo taken during a thunderstorm, around midnight

Thye Parkway

abstract - road salt

footsteps in the snow

25 Jan 2013 69
or in a dusting thereof..

it's beginning to look like Christmas...

cold variation

12 Dec 2012 71
using a background texture appropriated with thanks from here: Not sure I like the brighter band (snow) at he bottom. (Toned it down some.) (Then trimmed most of it away. I think this is its final form.)

at the subtle edge of a colorful sunset

where the marsh once was

toward the end of November

morning sun (shooting almost directly into it)

late bloomer

10 Nov 2012 45
I think its amazing that we have flowers still blossoming outside in mid-November, but these gaillardias don't seem to mind the occasional cold weather. Today may well be their last for this year, though - possible snow tomorrow.


02 Nov 2012 52
as much a mood as a month

our neighbor across the road to the north

November woods

02 Nov 2012 66
on a day with no shadows

268 items in total