
the neighborhood

Outside the house, miscellaneous flowers, nearby streets.

our street

cold geometry

28 Jan 2014 69
SOOC - the colors were already muted.

blowing snow

26 Jan 2014 54
Admittedly, this shot was texturized to give an effect very like the conditions yesterday - a loose layer of snow and heavy winds.

November afternoon

15 Nov 2013 42
Happy Thanksgiving, for those of you who celebrate it. And best wishes for you other friends.

"explosive" rose

19 Jun 2013 54
I don't like the composition on this picture very much, but the lines radiating out from the flower give it a dynamic quality that I do like. I'm using it for wallpaper, and it seems to work somehow.

not where you expect to find it

21 Jun 2013 54
cell phone photo - orange umbrella


16 Jun 2013 43
experimenting more with the cell phone

pizza parlor - kitchen

15 Jun 2013 1 53
cell phone and paint program


11 Jun 2013 55
Our peonies have just begun to flower, and the forecast for tomorrow is severe thunderstorms and possible hail. Oh, well.

late spring

May 1, 2013

01 May 2013 49
This has gotten a bit beyond ridiculous....

my sentiments, exactly

winter trees

22 Apr 2013 45
April 22, 2013

study in black and white (gray)

22 Apr 2013 50
taken a few minutes ago

tracks of the disgruntled robin

14 Apr 2013 42
who spent time digging out one of our columbine plants, rooting around in one of the few non-snow-covered patches of local earth he could find

rained glass window

14 Apr 2013 42
little pine tree in our back yard

268 items in total