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  Shooting date  /  2018  /  July   -   49 photos

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  • Margerites seen as an ant. ©UdoSm
  • Ant Perspective... ©UdoSm
  • Ameisenperspektive...  ©UdoSm
  • Dinner for two... ©UdoSm
  • Clematis mit Schwebfliege... ©UdoSm
  • "I love lavender..." ©UdoSm
  • Kapuzinerkresse mit Gästen... ©UdoSm
  • Mistbiene (Eristalis tenax). ©UdoSm
  • Mistbiene (Eristalis tenax). ©UdoSm
  • "Was finden die Bienen hier so toll...?" ©UdoSm
  • Susi, the parlour fly...  ©UdoSm
  • Ameisenperspektive...  ©UdoSm
  • Wilde Malve (Malva sylvestris)  ©UdoSm
  • Small bouquet of meadow flowers... ©UdoSm
  • Blüten gegen Herbstblues... ©UdoSm
  • Anemonen... ©UdoSm
  • Stimmungsaufheller... ©UdoSm
  • A new cocktail bar... ;-)) ©UdoSm
  • Collage Rittersporn. ©UdoSm
  • Water lily... ©UdoSm
  • In the area of the Mexican aster (Cosmos)... ©UdoSm
  • Bumblebee tasting lavender... ©UdoSm
  • Asian ladybeetle. ©UdoSm
  • Oh my dearest, I love you... ©UdoSm
  • A hairy guy...
  • Erdhummel (Bombus terrestris) ©UdoSm
  • Goldfliege. (Lucilia sericata). ©UdoSm
  • Sunflower = Summer. ©UdoSm
  • Also a bee... ©UdoSm
  • Hummel. (Bombus) ©UdoSm
  • A sailing melon... ©UdoSm
  • Enjoy your meal... ©UdoSm
  • A gourmet at a Cosmos... ©UdoSm
  • Tänzerische Landung... ©UdoSm
  • Biene beim Salto...  ©UdoSm
  • Übermütige Biene... ©UdoSm
  • There from the name 'wasp waist' comes... ©UdoSm
  • Hard and dusty work... ©UdoSm
  • Keilfleckschwebfliege. ©UdoSm
  • Pollen Nase... ©UdoSm
  • Collage Oleander. ©UdoSm
  • On the subject of Trump: A look at a dictionary clarifies some questions...
  • Purple Clematis. ©UdoSm
  • Pas de Deux... ©UdoSm
  • Center of a Kosmea. ©UdoSm
  • Ährige Prachtscharte... ©UdoSm
  • Rush hour... ©UdoSm
  • Rose experiment succeeded... ©UdoSm
  • The summer bloom... ©UdoSm