Argentine Islands


This is a collection of photos from an expedition cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula with MV Polar Star- more photos will be added from time to time.

Our route:
Ushuaia- Drake passage- Argentine Islands -Vernadsky Station/Winter Island- Petermann Island- Lemaire Channel- Port Lockroy/Jougla Point - Neumayer Channel- Paradise Bay/Alvaro Cove- Neko Harbour - Danco Island- Cuverville Island-Deception…  (read more)

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23 Jan 2007

64 favorites


675 visits

Pygoscelis antarctica

There's a large breeding colony of Chinstrap penguins at Bailey Head, Deception Island, and the odd penguin also turns up round the corner at the black lava beach of of Whaler's Bay. Bailey Head auf Deception Island hat eine große Brutkolonie von Zügelpinguinen. Vereinzelte Exemplare tauchen auch ein Stück weiter am schwarzen Lavastrand von Whaler's Bay auf.

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23 Jan 2007

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1 009 visits

Elephant seals and giant petrels (2xPiP)

Antarctic wildlife at Walker Bay/ Hannah Point on Livingston Island. Juvenile male elephant seals resting on the black lava sands of Walker Bay with Giant Petrels nesting nearby. At Hannah Point and neighbouring Walker Bay there are also breeding colonies of Adelie, chinstrap and Gentoo penguins and even one or two pairs of Macaroni penguins, all close together. Only ships carrying no more than 100 passengers are allowed there and they have to split up into groups of ten with a guide so that the animals aren't disturbed. Junge Seeelefanten-Männchen und Riesensturmvögel am schwarzen Lavastrand der Walker Bay/ Hannah Point auf Livingston Island. Außerdem gibt es dort Pinguin-Brutkolonien aller drei Pygoscelis-Arten und sogar einige versprengte Macaroni.Pinguine, alle dicht gedrängt. Nur Schiffe mit maxial 100 Paxen dürfen anlanden und diese dürfen sich nur in 10er-Gruppen unter der Aufsicht eines Guide bewegen, um die Tiere nicht zu stören.
29 items in total