Novice monks at Gom Kora


Green chilies anyone?

04 Oct 2011 22 28 477
Market in the hamlet of Nubding, farmers selling their produce

Punakha Dzong

05 Oct 2011 16 20 736
Punakha Dzong, situated at the confluence of Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu rivers was founded in 1637/ 38 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal . Until 1955 it was the seat of the Bhutanese government. A few days after this photo was taken, the royal wedding took place in the Dzong.

Novice at Punakha Dzong

Cosmic mandala at Punakha Dzong

05 Oct 2011 16 22 1458
Cosmic mandalas depict the movements of sun, moon and other planets around Mount Meru, the axis mundi. The elements are depicted in the blue circle: Wind or Air (blue) stands for the gaseous state; Fire (red) stands for transformation; Water for liquid, represented by a half-circle or circle; Earth for solid matter ( yellow square or cube). 10-Week Picture Projects: Shapes, Week 3: Circle/round

Dochula road

05 Oct 2011 9 13 742
Lateral road from Wangdue Phodrang to Thimphu climbing towards Dochula pass (3100m).

Dochu La

05 Oct 2011 45 79 313
Dochu La is ca. 3100m high pass connecting Thimphu and Punakha. The 108 memorial chortens (stupas) are a relatively recent addition. HFF everybody!

108 chortens on Dochu La

05 Oct 2011 54 62 347
The 108 memorial chortens on Dochu La pass were erected by Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk, the eldest Queen Mother. Early in the morning in good weather the main Himalayan chain with 7570m high Gangkhar Puensum can be seen from there. Once the sun is up the clouds creep in so we only caught brief glimpses of the high peaks (see note).

Thimphu boys

06 Oct 2011 11 14 702
Boys posing for photos at the Thimphu tsechu (religious festival). The dances hadn't started yet so they were looking for other entertainment;-)

Thimphu Tsechu: Atsara

06 Oct 2011 47 63 421
Atsaras are (very) bawdy comic relief during Bhutanese Tsechus (religious dance festivals). The term Atsara derives from the Sanskrit Acharya (holy teacher), Atsaras are said to have been among the 80 disciples of the Buddha, they are Dupthobs (enlightened beings) who defy contemporary norms and socially accepted human behaviour thereby holding a mirror to people's hypocrisy and self importance. Atsaras sind die Clowns der religiösen Tanzfeste (Tsechus) in Bhutan, ihr Auftreten lockert die strengen Tänze auf und ist ziemlich robust und zotig;-) Der Begriff Atsara kommt aus dem Sanskrit Acharya (heiliger Lehrer). Atsaras sollen zu den 80 Schülern des Buddha gehört haben, sie sind Drubthobs, erleuchtete Wesen, die sich gängigen Normen und sozial akzeptiertem Verhalten entziehen und dadurch den Menschen ihre Selbstgefälligkeit und Scheinheiligkeit vor Augen führen.

Ema Datshi

06 Oct 2011 18 30 766
Ema Datshi is the national dish of Bhutan: Chilies (as a vegetable!) in cheese sauce eaten with rice. Recipe: This was lunch at the Yeedzin Guesthouse in Thimphu- Ema Datshi with red rice, chicken, potatoes, vegetables, momos and dhal Inset: drying red chilies on a corrugated iron sheet

Buddha Dordenma

07 Oct 2011 51 56 400
This 54m high Buddha Shakyamuni statue towers on a hill just outside Bhutan's capital Thimphu. On our visit work on the site was still ongoing.

Semtokha Dzong

07 Oct 2011 3 4 640
Semthokha Dzong ist the oldest dzong in Bhutan. It was built in 1629 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal .

Cosmic mandala at Semtokha Dzong

07 Oct 2011 19 24 782
This is a rather unusual version of a cosmic mandala. Mount Meru can be seen in the middle and the movement of the planets. 10-Week Picture Projects: Shapes, Week 2: Square/Cube

Tiger's Nest (Paro Taktsang) from the Cafeteria (2…

08 Oct 2011 49 64 451
Bhutan's best known monastery is at 3120m and hangs 900m above the valley floor. A steep footpath leads up to it but as we didn't have permission for a visit I only went about halfway as far as the "cafeteria". The notes show the view from along the footpath and a tele view from the cafeteria. Bhutans bekanntestes Kloster liegt auf 3120m Höhe und klebt an einem steilen Felsen 900m über der Talsohle. Ein steiler Fußweg führt hinauf zum Kloster. Wir hatten keine Genehmigung für den Besuch, deshalb begnügte ich mich damit, den halben Weg zur "Cafeteria" zu gehen. In den PiPs eine Ansicht vom Fußweg aus bzw. eine Teleaufnahme von der Cafeteria aus.


08 Oct 2011 25 24 799
At Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the 108 temples said to have been built by Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo in the 7th century. The old man wears the traditional Bhutanese gho but his beard suggests he may be of Tibetan origin. The vest (and hat?) are obviously scrounged from Western tourists;-)

Früh übt sich...

09 Oct 2011 61 80 436
Boy in Paro Valley carrying rice straw- inspired by poly's "heavy load"

Rinpung Dzong

09 Oct 2011 10 4 594
Rinpung Dzong was founded as a small fortess in the 15th century. In 1644 it was renovated and extended by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to become the administrative amd monastic centre of the western region.

The Wheel of Life

09 Oct 2011 9 14 723
Bhavachakra mandala at Rinpung Dzong The wheel of Life

58 items in total