nora likes ellsworth kelly

10+ faves

underground resistance

14 Jul 2014 11 6 1065
the political cell meeting is tonight. pass it on. got it. psst. the cell meeting is tonight. pass it on. ok. hey, the shell greeting is on tv tonight. pass it on. right. yo. the meal seating is later, you coming? for sure. who's bringing the beer?

accept the unexcepted

23 Feb 1978 17 6 2268
would you like to go riding today, edna? oh, yes, stanley. can we take the hounds? of course. I'll have chef prepare a light snack. how thoughtful of you! there is little in this world I wouldn't do for you, darling. yes, I know. thank you. one thing, though. what's that, dear? you know the carcasses of the hanged? yes. they disobeyed you. we may ride past them. you are stern with the help, dear. but I'm so looking forward to a ride. wonderful, darling.

palace coup

20 Jun 2014 15 4 645
I finally found a good investment counselor. that's good. what's his plan? get this: real estate! wow. not the stock market? no! he's got these hot properties. and I can get them at rock-bottom prices! wow. they're a little under water, but I'm not to worry. that sounds good. good? I can't lose! I bet they're palaces! I know! the money's gonna be rolling in! no doubt!

real life

09 Feb 2014 14 4 508
you ever feel like you're inside of a dream, man? not so much, dude, why? I dunno. something about today, it seems like a dream. like I could jump off those rocks and not get hurt, because I'll just wake up. are you on something? this is like, reality, ok? how do you know that? maybe you, and all this, are just in my mind. your fucked up mind, you mean. yeah, probably. so you got any more? you want some? absolutely.

road kill

17 Aug 2014 22 17 1007
I am sick and tired of this ridiculous traffic. me too. but you gotta deal with it. no I don't. not anymore. yeah? how you gonna swing that? you gonna make those cars all disappear? actually, I think I've come up with a way to do exactly that.

scene of the crime

07 Mar 2010 14 16 2392
police line. no crossing. I just want to know what happened in there. I can't disclose that. it's too awful. c'mon. give me something! I'm a reporter! worst case I ever saw. that's all I can say. did they catch whoever did it? they know. but they don't care. what? what do you mean? I mean, a crime took place, and nobody cares. was anybody hurt? you could say that. where's the body? you're lookin' at it. what? that? the building? like I say. worst case I ever saw. I think I may agree with you.


01 Nov 2007 13 6 1667
stanley, what is that awful sound? what's that, dear? from down the tracks. like a million insect wings beating at once. ridiculous. say, something's coming out of the woods. oh my god! stanley, what are those things? edna, get back in the house and don't come out no matter what. stanley! they're HUGE!!! edna, do as I say! run!! and grab all the Raid you can find.

atom smasher

16 Aug 2014 11 5 563
how do you like my new invention? what's it do? you see all this? this. . . devastation? yeah, I see it. so what? that's what it does. no offense, but I'm not sure we need your invention. we can do this pretty much by ourselves. yes, I was hoping you wouldn't notice. well, we've been trying not to notice for like 40 years. how's that working out for you so far? kind of messily, I think. that's good, if you like messes. apparently, we do.

pagan bullshit

05 Sep 2014 13 4 988
come see what I've unearthed, my boy! isn't it exciting? what are they, doktor? obviously, these ancient timbers are all that remains of an indigenous civilization that dwelt on these shores. miraculously, they've somehow survived for millennia. gee. that's old. what was their purpose? they appear to be religious artifacts or symbols. no doubt for use in worshipping some bogus sky god or other. so these people were completely ignorant and backward, right? oh yes. they would have had only a very rudimentary understanding of the nature of the universe and their place in it. I guess mankind has come a long way since then. without a doubt, praise the lord. to whom all praise is due? naturally.

in the groove

08 Mar 2014 10 6 507
let's go do something fun, edna. my, stanley, you're full of energy today. I am! is it because of last night? uh, last night? what you said? and what we did? what did I say? I mean, yes! of course! oh good, I've always wanted children. childr. . .? I mean, me too! some day! no, stanley, now! that's why we, you know. . . we. . . did it? yes! I could be pregnant already! already. I mean, that's great! where are you going stanley? to bed. I have a headache, or something. poor baby. yeah, that's me.

third-body problem

21 Aug 2012 14 3 757
hey, joey. what's up, sal? joey, you been hanging around my girl? me? no way. you know, me and her relate in a very certain way. yeah? and a third person would mess that all up. I don't want that. me neither. it would get all out of whack. that's not good. no it's not. not good at all. that's why you're going away. I am? aren't you? yeah, sal. definitely. have a nice life. thanks. you're welcome.

modern life

27 Sep 2014 17 6 565
I'm cleaning out that crap in the basement, edna. not my fabulous antiques and artifacts! a fixation with material objects is not healthy, edna. but they mean so much to me! the memories! oh yeah? do you remember when we met? well yes, sort of. what was I wearing? I don't know. your torn levis, like always? did you keep them? no way! me neither.

machu beachu

05 Sep 2013 11 4 508
I have some bad news, sir. yes? what is it? it's been 3 days since we sent a man to reconnoiter these rocks, and he has not returned. just as I feared. these ancient rocks will not give up their secrets easily. his last message was a bit garbled. something about an impenetrable maze. then we heard a sharp cry, and he was cut off. damn the denizens of this devilish place! what cruel horrors yet await us? I fear for the men sir. our food is running low. their spirits are sagging. yes yes. but we must remain strong! this is an historic discovery! I will not allow it to defeat me, you hear? yes sir. it is our manifest destiny! as god on high intended! indeed, sir. now bring me my mustache wax and comb. even in this hellish place, I must go out and greet the day. you are an inspiration, sir. yes, of course.

hard-loving loser

04 May 2013 10 8 505
hey, rico. I see you got a new girlfriend, man. she so fine. and she's all mine, dude. don't even think about it. rico. man, like, I would never do that! no way! not like my last girlfriend, you mean? exactly! she meant nothing to me! nothing at all! I feel so much better now. I'm very glad to hear it. yeah thanks.

star chamber

11 Feb 2014 10 2 510
why the long face? I got called to appear before the chamber. man. that's tough. you're as good as convicted. I didn't do it! I'm innocent! yeah, maybe. but you did something, sometime, didn't you. yeah. so? see you in 20 years. really? yeah. mind if I take your car? mine kinda quit on me. times are tough, eh? tell me about it.


01 Sep 2014 15 5 897
they'll attack here. power up the recon equipment. equipment? did we bring any? of course not! it's right here! get on it! right. but how do I. . . power it up? are you blind? you move this rock; then this piece of wood. uh, sure. maybe I'll add a rock or two. excellent. and some more driftwood too. now you're talking. yeah, but what am I saying?


09 Feb 2014 10 6 590
dude. did you catch something in that trap? I did! a rabbit! we're gonna eat tonight! you gonna cut it open? well, of course! and cook it over the fire! I'm sorry. I can't be a party to this a party to what? eating? I can't stand by while you cut open a defenseless little bunny. how would you suggest I prepare it? can't we just cook it whole? you mean, throw it on the fire as is? fur and all? you'd eat that? well, no, but it would make me feel a little better oh, well, sure. I mean, that's all that matters here. really? ok, just get out the peanut butter and jelly you're not gonna cut that open too, are you? no, but I'm thinking of doing that to you you can't be serious! not yet


25 Jun 2014 10 6 472
dude, you hear we got challenged? no. by who? by the 12th Street gang. again. those punks? what do they want? they want to rumble. tonight. under the tracks. fine by me. let's do it. we gonna round up the rest of the gang? nope. don't need 'em. we don't? they'll outnumber us. don't matter. see those fins? on your ride? yeah. so? each one o' them's gonna be dripping with 12th St. blood. man, that's unholy! maybe. I can handle it. I hear that.

253 items in total