Oldt1mer - Keith's photos

Long-Tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudatus

08 Feb 2023
The lovely little Long-Tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudatus – is apparently also known as the Long-Tailed Bushtit but I have never heard anyone say it. These lovely little birds fly in small groups along hedgerows and treelines leapfrogging each other in the search for insects and other delicacies. Luckily this one kept still long enough for me to take his picture at Pennington Flash. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Orange Tip (F) - Anthocharis cardamines

24 May 2023 1
This is a female Orange Tip Butterfly - Anthocharis cardamines – which is less colourful than the male which has bright orange pigmentation in its wingtips whilst the female has dull grey wingtips as can be seen. Mainly found throughout Europe and temperate Asia they prefer damp habitats where flowers grow for them to feed on. Seen at Martin Mere Wetland. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Little Egret - Egretta garzetta

18 Apr 2023 1 5
The Little Egret – Egretta garzetta – is a small white heron with plumes on its crest, back and chest. Eating mainly fish but will also take amphibians, worms, small crustaceans and even the occasional small bird or mammal. More normally seen in the south of England they do venture further northward during winter months. This beauty was seen at Martin Mere Wetlands. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Red-Tailed Bumble Bee - Bombus lapidarius

24 May 2023 3
I spotted this lovely Red-Tailed Bumblebee – Bombis – landing on the flower of a Perennial Wallflower – Erysimum linifolium and just managed to grab a shot before he buzzed away to new flowers. The Bee can be distinguished by the (only just visible) yellow facial hair. Seen at Martin Mere. Explore 8th august 2023 No 301 This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Chaffinch (M) - Fringilla coelebs

14 Feb 2023 5
The Chaffinch – Fringilla coelebs – is widespread throughout the UK and can be seen in gardens, parks and farmland as well as its more natural habitat, woodland. Prized as songbirds, they used to be caught and caged with even competitions to see which bird would repeat its song the most often. Thankfully, those days are long gone. They eat seeds, buds and shoots, fruit, insects, earthworms and even snails eggs as well as food put out on bird tables. This lovely male was seen at Martin Mere. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Common Darter - Sympetrum striolatum

08 Aug 2022 3
The Common Darter - Sympetrum striolatum - is a small dragonfly that loves to perch on twigs or vegetation, especially in the sunshine, waiting for insects of any kind to fly past then it will suddenly dart out and catch its prey in mid air. They are very common and can be found pretty much anywhere near water. This female had chosen the leaf of a water reed to sit on at Pennington Flash, Leigh, Lancashire. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Eurasian Teal - Anas crecca

27 Mar 2023 6
This is the Eurasian Teal – Anas crecca – which is a small dabbling duck which breeds in Eurosiberia and migrates south in the winter. Also known as the Common Teal or Eurasian Green-Winged Teal it is commonly found in sheltered wetlands feeding on seeds and aquatic invertebrates. This is a male in nuptial plumage, as can be seen by the white stripe running along his flanks, which was seen at Martin Mere Wetlands. Explore No 254, 19 July 2023. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Speckled Wood - Pararge aegeria

18 Apr 2023 6
The lovely Speckled Wood - Pararge aegeria – is a small butterfly which is normally, and commonly, found in or near woodland areas across the whole of Eurasia. An early flyer in Britain it can be seen from the end of March and then on through to October. This one was spotted having a rest in the sunshine on a path at Martin Mere. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Greenfinches (M) - Chloris chloris

14 Feb 2023 1 4
These two male European Greenfinches - Chloris chloris - can be seen in this picture but just imagine when green buds start sprouting and then become leaves, you really have little chance of spotting these beautiful birds unless they come out into the open. The greenfinch is widespread throughout Europe, North Africa and Southwest Asia and has been introduced into Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand and Australia. These two were seen checking something out, possibly a female, at Martin Mere. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Snouted Duck Fly - Anasimyia lineata

26 May 2023 5
This tiny little fly sitting in a buttercup flower is, I now believe to be, the Snouted Duck Fly – Anasimyia lineata – which is a species of hoverfly commonly found near wetlands, swampy water areas, ditches etc. It is unusual because of its long snout which tapers to a point which, unfortunately cannot be seen in this picture. Seen at Pennington Flash, Leigh, Lancashire. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Baby Shelduck - Tadorna tadorna

24 May 2023 1 1 9
The Common Shelduck – Tadorna tadorna – is a large colourful duck, basically white but with a dark green head and neck, a chestnut belly stripe, black wing stripes and a red bill. They eat small shellfish, aquatic snails, small fish, worms and plant matter. Mating for life, they choose nesting sites in cavities, hollow trees or abandoned rabbit burrows. The chicks leave the nest soon after hatching so this cute little fluffy one could be only a few days old. Seen at Martin Mere Wetlands. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Four Spotted Chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata

24 May 2023 11
The lovely Four-Spotted Chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata – is a dragonfly wound widely throughout Europe, Asia and North America. It can be found from May through to late September on heathland as well as near ponds and lakes which have good vegetation and some open water. I spotted this one landing in some tall grass at Martin Mere Wetlands, it was good enough to rest there until I could get my shot. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Northern Shoveler (M) - Spatula clypeata

08 Feb 2023 12
This is the male Northern Shoveler – Spatula clypeata – in its breeding/winter colours. Originally classed as Anas clypeata, a study of DNA sequences caused it to be moved into the Spatula genus. It feeds on aquatic invertebrates such as crustaceans and plankton by swinging its bill from side to side and filtering the food through small comb like structures on the edge of its bill. This one was seen at Pennington Flash. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Red-Headed Cardinal Beetle - Pyrochroa serraticorn…

26 May 2023 15
The little Red-Headed Cardinal Beetle – Pyrochroa serraticornis – also known as the ‘Common’ Cardinal Beetle, is a red to orange beetle about 20mm long and found throughout Britain. Normally found at the edges of woodland, adults usually emerge around May and stay under the shelter of loose bark etc. until warmer weather when they disperse and can be found basking on large leaves. This one was found at Pennington Flash. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

European Robin - Erithacus rubecula

08 Feb 2023 5
The captivating European Robin – Erithacus rubecula – or Robin Redbreast to many, is a very friendly little creature and is the UK’s favourite bird. They sing nearly all the year round and have very loud voices for such little birds. It belongs to the Old World Flycatcher family as opposed to the American Robin which belongs to the Thrush family. This lovely little one was seen at Pennington Flash. Explore No 485, May 23 2023 This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Having A Good Stretch

08 Feb 2023 10
The Mute Swan – Cygnus olor – is a very common Swan throughout Europe and is an introduced species in North America. It is called the Mute Swan because it is less vocal than other Swan species. Despite it being of Eurasian origin, its closest relatives are the Black Swan of Australia and the Black-Necked Swan of South America. This one was caught having a good stretch at Pennington Flash. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

European Peacock - Aglais io

18 Apr 2023 11
The lovely European Peacock Butterfly – Aglais io – can be found across Europe and temperate Asia as far east as Japan. It is not to be confused with the American Peacock which, although belonging to the same family are not close relatives of the European species. This was an early appearance and was seen at Martin Mere Wetlands. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

Great Tit - Parus major

08 Feb 2023 17
The Great Tit - Parus major - is the largest of the Tit family and is a very common sight in gardens, woodland and many other habitats. They eat insects, seeds, berries and nuts as well as offerings at bird tables etc. This one was seen at Pennington Flash. This Picture is fully © Copyrighted. None of my images may be copied, reproduced or altered in any form or manner or placed on the internet or any other social media, or in any form of publication either print or otherwise, in any form or manner without my written permission.

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