SW Ohio Lines' photos


22 Apr 2021 1 115
Just a neat pole I came across recently.


24 Mar 2021 3 2 126
A very cool, very unusual pole I randomly came across. However, the odd thing is that there are actually TWO more transformer poles just like this one nearby! Also I'm mostly on the other site these days, where you can see a lot more of my latest finds.


15 Nov 2020 5 207
Almost jumped the curb upon finding this brakestomper!


16 Jun 2014 2 142
A repost from 6 years ago. Not sure if this one's still around but I hope it is.


12 Nov 2020 1 150
I was pleasantly surprised to find this one recently.


06 Nov 2020 2 1 159
Here's another neat find I happened to stumble across. Note that a glass insulator was reused to help guide the triplex! I tried to get a better view but the photo turned out blurry.


22 Oct 2020 3 1 198
Another surprise find!

DP&L/Troy L&P

19 Oct 2020 5 256
Here's a more recent pic of this neat pole I first posted many years ago.


17 Oct 2020 3 190
This pole has four nice glass insulators but it's slated for replacement.


10 Oct 2020 2 218
Here's one I visited a few years ago but recently got the chance to grab a newer pic.

DP&L/Troy L&P

09 Oct 2020 2 202
A revisit to this Westy I recently posted. I think this pic turned out better than my first attempt.


09 Oct 2020 1 185
Just a busy alley pole with an interesting transformer.


27 Sep 2020 3 190
Another recently found delta Westy setup. I'm thinking this town had municipal power long ago.

DP&L/Troy L&P

24 Sep 2020 1 173
An alley brakestomper.

DP&L/Troy L&P

24 Sep 2020 1 1 196
The Troy muni really liked kimbles and high tops.


24 Sep 2020 1 167
The only pole left with large bowl insulators, but it's marked with the red tag of doom.


20 Sep 2020 3 200
Another huge brakestomper find...turns out there are still two subtransmission poles left with Hewletts on a different line!

86 items in total

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