Protection from the Sun


Protection from the Sun

Ballet class-hands-tsc

09 Jun 2013 17 14 350
Doin' your own thing!!! Had to use an oldie but goodie this week because I didn't have time to take a new one. Re-worked it a bit.

TSC Indulgence

22 Jan 2016 7 13 282
I go out to lunch often and one of my favorite yummy treats is tuna tartar. This was a bit different than usual in that it had green caviar on top. Not a fan of some caviars because of the salt content, this was totally delicious. Love the toast points. Restaurant is on the Hudson River in New York.


18 Oct 2015 6 15 410
Dont have my computer with me so did fhis on my ipad. the text is a bit amateurish but wanted to be in this challenge.

Fabric TSC

02 Oct 2015 17 19 371
Satin and lace robe. Another version posted in the notes. I was going to submit this for a book cover but was told that the white would not fly with a publisher because of propensity towards reflection and scratching the paper in shipping and things. I like it anyway!!! Black and white with a hint of pink over.

wall hanging

05 Dec 2015 6 16 268
Built myself a little library in the corner of my living room (shelves galore). This is a metal sculpture which reminds me of being out on the water which I love.. The clock was passed down through my grandma (from the 1800's); have had the nutcracker for 50 years and the cabinet is oak and was bought by my parents (has a turntable and place for TV) In 1960. It is awesome. p.s. had to add that little extra sparkle to my fairy lights.

TSC - taking a photo while moving faster than walk…

25 Jan 2013 30 19 560
I had to pull the one I took yesterday from the group as when I re-read the directions, i realized that you had to be moving faster than walking. When I took my original photo was stopped hanging out of the car window. Though I do drive, I never drive with anyone where I could take a photo from the passenger seat. So, here is one where I was a passenger in a rowboat which was moving faster than walking (my fiancé was rowing) and I was taking photos at random. Unfortunately it is an oldie but it's all I have.

Fence at Gettysburg TSC Fences

24 May 2010 13 17 431
If you haven't already been to Gettysburg and you want to feel history and experience beauty and peace, go. You will end up being emotional, I can assure you. Close up of fence in note. The History of Stack Rail Fencing in Virginia "The post-and-rail fences stretching across the fields lying between us and the enemy's position, I regard as the fatal obstacle to our complete success on the left, and success there would, doubtless, would have changed the fate of the day. Of the existence of this obstacle none of my division had any previous knowledge, and we learned it at the expense of many valuable lives." General John Walker, Army of Northern Virginia Also called Stack Rail, Zig Zag, Appalachian Rail, and Worm Fencing, Virginia Snake Rail Fencing has decorated Virginia and American farmland for centuries. Especially in the rocky Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountain region, this style of fence was very popular for centuries. Back then, posts could not be pressure treated as they are done today in order to preserve them. To avoid planting posts in rocky ground that would rot quickly, many homesteaders installed stack rail fencing or some configuration similar to it. Although it took considerably more wood than a split rail fence, it was easy to install. Rails that rot out are easily replaced, the fence was strengthened by it's zig-zag configuration. The state of Virginia was primarily a "fence out" state, meaning that landowners were responsible for fencing out neighbors animals, rather than the other way around. Many livestock owners had communal grazing areas. Stack Rail fencing dotted the landscapes of Virginia back then, and still do today. There is nothing as beautiful as driving down the Blue Ridge Parkway and Appalachian Mountains to look at this style of fence criss-crossing the quiet, rolling farmland.

Newspaper Headline TSC

17 May 2015 4 13 419
I was really uncomfortable downloading newspaper templates from sources that I did not know so made up my own. Don't know how realistic it is but it is a shot anyway. Wendy, am not sure it is in the rules to be able to give this another shot for this week but here it is in a more newspaper - like format. I tried to email you but couldn't for some reason.


13 Jul 2015 6 13 280
White balance adjustments This was done in photoshop. Was taken indoors. i wanted to give this photo a more sun-kissed look, particularly around the vegetables. Adjusted the sand painting to bring the characters to light as the beans were grown from heirloom seeds from the Cherokee.

Elvis Presley - I'm Leaving

12 Jul 2015 12 18 369
Running a bit late today as was very busy but wanted to do something. Purposely over-exposed the window area and left the tables a little dreamy. Don't remember this song but it is lovely .... here ya' go. It was recorded in 1973. Saddens me to listen to him in his hey day. I do believe he was quite a talent.

Collage TSC

30 Aug 2015 9 19 343
I am trying to depict the end of the season. The large rose was taken when it was vibrant and alive, the same rose(s) after four days and wilting and the mushroom down by the pond which to me is after summer has been going for a while. Park scene - black and white Wilted roses with candle - selective color yellow rose = a bit overexposed This is my week. It was sort of mundane except for taking pix of flowers and parks. Put originals in the notes. PS I am not a fan of photo collages even a physical photo collage. Have always (since I was a young kid and in art school) done them in mixed medium. My experience is that they are done in layers and being that digital photography is one dimensional, the only way I could achieve layers is by using layers. I could not physical cut the pieces and did so by utilizing layer masks. Here's how I always did collages. Wikopedia "Collage (from the French: coller, "to glue";[1] French pronunciation: ​[kɔ.laːʒ]) is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. A collage may sometimes include magazine and newspaper clippings, ribbons, paint, bits of colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas. The origins of collage can be traced back hundreds of years, but this technique made a dramatic reappearance in the early 20th century as an art form of novelty.:


01 Aug 2015 10 15 356
Original is a high key (in camera) as shown in the notes and then I used selective color. Did it by using layers in photoshop and topaz, a b/w software program that runs the gamut of black and white. These are earrings from the 50's probably. Tried wearing them once and the clasp hurt my ears.

TSC Stones

19 Aug 2015 11 17 456
This is Bug Lighthouse in Portland, Maine. Vacationed there this week. Did a little painterly effect on it.

Rolling mouse TSC

06 Feb 2016 11 19 300
Since I was on the computer so much at work using Photoshop/etc. I always had a rolling mouse (trackball). I am not sure they make them anymore. Thank goodness it works with my iMac. Please Logitech keep making them.


16 Aug 2015 14 14 319
The challenge is a chair. This is a little bench that I bought a while ago. I love the lines and it can be used with yoga and etc. The background are gongs that someone gave me a while ago which are very oriental. Wanted to contrast stark lines with lightness and movement. I love little Christmas lights in my home all year round.

Watering my garden goose

22 Jul 2015 3 14 340
Wanted to do something different for the challenge so added the hose water. We got the goose in Maine. Life sized. I love geese. I think they are brilliant. Best viewed in black.

End of Day and End of Sunny Weather (for too long…

12 Sep 2015 4 15 260
Have always been attracted to the skyline of Hartford, capitol of Connecticut. This was taken late in the day with a major storm brewing. We have been rainless for a few weeks so needed it.

41 items in total