p-purple patio lighter

Charlestown, RI, East Beach

p-purple patio lighter



Watering my garden goose

22 Jul 2015 3 15 331
Wanted to do something different for the challenge so added the hose water. We got the goose in Maine. Life sized. I love geese. I think they are brilliant. Best viewed in black.

Milk glass bokeh

For olive oil bokeh

08 Aug 2015 7 15 230
I was a bit confused by this week's challenge but if I am correct that we are supposed to do man/woman made bokeh that has sparkle. I believe we have two weeks to do this and I will try the paper over the lense next week but thought I would put this up anyway this week as I was playing around with lights and like the effect. Am excited to play with this as others in this group are doing such a fantastic job with it. Used little white lights for this but as usual, can't get the aperture/shutter speed thing right. Need to learn to control completely.


16 Aug 2015 14 15 312
The challenge is a chair. This is a little bench that I bought a while ago. I love the lines and it can be used with yoga and etc. The background are gongs that someone gave me a while ago which are very oriental. Wanted to contrast stark lines with lightness and movement. I love little Christmas lights in my home all year round.

Bug Lighthouse, Portland, ME

Bug Lighthouse, Portland, ME



fineart-lighthouse-people-ferryboat-orig inal

fineart-lighthouse-people-ferryboat-orig inal



TSC Stones

19 Aug 2015 11 18 448
This is Bug Lighthouse in Portland, Maine. Vacationed there this week. Did a little painterly effect on it.


24 May 2009 110
Salt Marsh


68 items in total