Jim O'Neil's photos

wine pressing?

01 Oct 2023 34
Wine pressing? Yes, no, maybe, kind of... I'm pressing a kind of, close to but not really, sake I brewed. Kind of sake as I used my koji (Rice with a mold growing on it that converts starch in other rice it's mixed with in to sugar, which yeast then converts into alcohol, hence saki.) to convert beets in to sugar in to alcohol. My, to make up a name, Beetu Saki turned out quite nice; transparent red, a bit of a earthy taste and, according to my refractometer, 20% alcohol.

First snow tracks

Time for snow tires

Grouse tracks


still grouse tracks

On the trail

1st snow

2 October

01 Oct 2023 44
Not too many mosquitoes today. ;-)

IMG 1996

moving firewood

stacking near the door

approaching autumn

down by the riverside

Chewing to length

runs softly

24 Sep 2023 37
Not a day to complain about.

5022 items in total