Jim O'Neil's photos

yep, there's a moose in the picture

09 Jun 2023 47
A moose lunching in the brush some 20 feet from where I was sitting in my yard.

Ya see me now?

09 Jun 2023 52
Enjoying lunch.

I spy

Beside the stream

30 May

30 May 2023 36
I know, only a couple of days away from summer. However it's around 44° F. and rainy out, a cheerful little fire's nice to have on a day like today.


Off winter, on summer

01 May 2023 36
I still have over a foot of snow in most of my yard but spring's here! I pulled the snow tires off both my rigs and mounted the summer tires.


28 Apr 2023 42
Willow charcoal on 11 by 14 inch (27.9 by 35.6 cm) sketch paper.


28 Apr 2023 1 38
Sometimes good memories, sometimes bad, but all are important.


28 Apr 2023 39
Alaska willow charcoal on sketch paper. One minute poses.

snow slow slide

26 Apr 2023 39
Everything has to be tough to last long in Alaska, including the snow pack on the roof!

Slow snow slide otherside

you said?

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