Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

Serviceberry in bloom DSC 3735

11 May 2024 13 9 59
Flowering branch of a serviceberry tree (Amelanchier) over water.


02 May 2024 14 5 137
A slightly nervous looking raccoon (same animal as the last raccoon I uploaded).

Azalea IMG 20240511 211210

07 May 2024 12 4 95
An azalea flower, one of the pleasures of spring.

Stuck up a tree_DSC 3440

02 May 2024 13 9 129
Near sunset. The neighbourhood raccoon chased up a tree by one of the neighbourhood dogs.

Protest camp McGill IMG 20240502 092540

02 May 2024 11 7 93
A misty morning at the protest camp on the grounds of McGill University in Montreal, protesting against the war in Gaza.

Toronto signs IMG 20240503 222831

27 Apr 2024 9 10 116
Cannabis has been fully legal in Canada since 2018, but I still find things like this rather disconcerting. Seen near the airport on a recent visit to Toronto. To avoid misunderstanding, the Subway Sandwich shop wasn't selling cannabis but the shop nextdoor to it was. (Called Runway Pot if anyone is interested).

Sea scorpions IMG 20240415 084531

01 Apr 2024 7 6 72
An assemblage of Eurypterid (sea scorpion) fossils in the Royal Ontario Museum Toronto.

stripe legged robber fly-face DSC 3118b

13 Apr 2024 11 9 136
Close-up of a robber fly trapped on a windowpane and trying to find a way out. (The details are best seen when the photo is enlarged).

garden rabbit-DSC 3080

12 Apr 2024 13 7 129
A local rabbit in the garden, well camouflaged. They are so used to humans that it allowed me to approach quite close. But there is a limit, this far and no further. One step over the invisible line and it was away like lightening.


09 Apr 2024 23 17 164
The eclipse April 8th 2024- just South of Montreal. The orange images were taken using an improvised eclipse filter, the centre image, the eclipse at totality, was taken without the filter. The eclipse began at 14.14 (top) and ended at 16.36 p.m, with the total eclipses lasting only two minutes. The partial eclipses are lined up in order (beginning the top), but other than that there is no accuracy in terms of timing or position.

DSC 2983-edit2

08 Apr 2024 12 8 103
The April 8th, 2024, eclipse seen from near Montreal using a different camera setting from the other eclipse photo. An interesting experience. It got darker slowly, and cold and the wind picked up. Then the sun disappeared completely and suddenly leaving only a black hole where the sun had been and the disk of the corona. Everything gets dark, even the streetlights turn on, and rather eerie. It's very impressive. The eclipse began at 14.14 in the afternoon, but totality, when the sun was covered entirely and we could look directly at the eclipse with the naked eye, lasted only two minutes, from 15.26 and 40 seconds to 15.28 and 42 seconds.

eclipse_April_2024_DSC 2979-edit2

08 Apr 2024 7 3 89
The April 8th, 2024, eclipse seen from near Montreal. An interesting experience. It got darker slowly, and cold and the wind picked up. Then the sun disappeared completely and suddenly leaving only a black hole where the sun had been and the disk of the corona. Everything gets dark, even the streetlights turn on, and rather eerie. It's very impressive. The eclipse began at 14.14 in the afternoon, but totality, when the sun was covered entirely and we could look directly at the eclipse with the naked eye, lasted only two minutes, from 15.26 and 40 seconds to 15.28 and 42 seconds.

Goose incoming IMG 20240407 181434

07 Apr 2024 12 5 112
The geese are back. I'm glad to see them return after the winter but really they are a mixed blessing, noisy, messy and awkward.

April snow_IMG 20240404 103216

04 Apr 2024 8 6 79
When winter just won't go away. A big dump of snow in early April.

DSC 2562-nuthatch st bruno 2024

02 Mar 2024 18 14 169
A white breasted nuthatch on a cold windy day.

An IMaGe in time

02 Oct 2005 13 10 104
To everything its time.

Hibiscus sunlit DSC 2589

04 Mar 2024 19 13 116
A winter hibiscus in sunlight. It grows indoors through the winter and goes back out to the garden in late spring.

Place ville marie-Montreal IMG 20240305 095413

05 Mar 2024 12 6 139
Not sure how to describe this. Silver furniture in a glass box, office towers, a giant metal circle and various reflections. And if you look very hard there are also polar bears.

803 photos in total