Alass' photos

South Australian landscape

15 Apr 2024 13 6 90
Rape seed and young wheat
07 Apr 2024 7 3 41
In the cactus garden
07 Apr 2024 14 5 67
In the cactus garden

Inside the waterlily pavillion

07 Apr 2024 6 4 59
inside the hot house for the Amazonian waterlily.

Noisy miner public sculpture ABG

In the rose garden

31 Mar 2024 10 5 60
features the colourful borders rather than the roses

Botanical gardens Adelaide

31 Mar 2024 7 4 65
Pond is part of a water recycling project which serves the Botanical Gardens

Sculpture in context of Waite arboretum


20 Mar 2024 11 5 103
Dry wetland at the start of autumn

Ornamental kangaroos

The start of a hot day

new money temple being built nearby

Wetland with ibis

Water finds its own way. Wetlands

Public sculpture water finds its own way

Park sculpture

1787 items in total