Alass' photos

abstraction of thought

19 Apr 2023 6 1 106
Not far from reality

Homemade for Easter

A little colour in early autumn

Small flying creature

29 Mar 2023 13 3 75
perhaps this is some kind of Psyllid ? South Australia Psyllids are tiny sap-sucking insects that can cause considerable damage to some plants. The best thing you can do is keep an eye on susceptible plants

Seeds hibbertia scandens

Hibbertia scandens after seeds have fallen

Autumn sunset halo

15 Mar 2023 7 1 65
Bringing in the bin

Twig loooper moth

18 Mar 2023 6 2 65
native species

Rymill lake

16 Mar 2023 8 2 79
City of Adelaide buildings in the background. The parklands to the east are currently the site of a festival. There is a pink pig in the centre of the lake, if you are wondering!

Autumn petunias

Striped aubergines

07 Mar 2023 8 4 63
from my garden

marbled gecko

02 Mar 2023 12 6 100
Adelaide, South Australia This gecko is charcoal in colour rather than brown. By mistake it was taken with flash in daylight.

Leafcurling spider

1787 items in total