Search through Dinesh's photos

  Publication date  /  2013   -   2 509 photos

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  • Downtown, East Lansing, Michigan
  • Manai, Wales UK
  • Now take a look at the Cemetry
  • The Night Migrations
  • Cape Cod Light House
  • Proto Indo-Europen
  • Backyard Spring
  • Cotton
  • A Cardinal
  • Winter Trail
  • Pups and their friends
  • Neurolinguistic Processing
  • Musings
  • How much pleasure do you get from your car?
  • Leave Us Out Of It
  • Misty Morning
  • Day of Mist
  • A Random Walk Down the Wall Street
  • The Fundamental Attribution Error
  • Photographing Manai
  • Advantage Asia?
  • Barak Obama
  • Winter Evening
  • Winter Sunlight and shadow
  • Backyard Winter
  • I'm not a person
  • Only Words
  • Speed
  • Fuegia Basket
  • Kurt Godel's equation
  • Napkins
  • Bath Tissue
  • Peripatetikos / Walking
  • Kick at the rock, Sam Johnson, break your bones: But cloudy,   cloudy is the stuff of stones.   ~ Richard Wilber
  • End of a day
  • Memories
  • Colours of Nature
  • Dark Days of Autumn Rain
  • Downtown ~ Winter Day
  • Hilflos
  • Winter
  • Darwin
  • Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey
  • Riddle
  • Dance of Shiva
  • An exhibit
  • Barn
  • Just Now
  • One Art
  • The Wheel
  • Alone
  • Michigan State University
  • On a Spring bough
  • Czech Bakery
  • Fall Morning
  • Diagram ~ Voyager Spacecraft Golden Record
  • Meadow
  • Winter Trail
  • Yes
  • Happiness is when
  • At Boston MA
  • Christian Science Monitor Premises
  • Writing ~ An Art of discovery
  • How the Language Works
  • ^
  • Paper
  • Photography
  • Winter Evening
  • Swan Song
  • Junco
  • 13th Century House
  • Which path to take
  • Opossum

2509 items in total