Dinesh's photos

10 Jun 2008 134
From Ming dynasty


09 Jan 2009 137
So early it’s still almost dark out. I’m near the window with coffee, And the usual early morning stuff That passes for thought. When I see the boy and his friend Walking up the road To deliver the newspaper. They wear caps and sweaters, And one boy has a bag over his shoulder. They are so happy They aren’t saying anything, these boys. I think if they could, they would take Each other’s arm. It’s early in the morning, And they are doing this thing together. They come on, slowly, The sky is taking on light, Though the moon still hangs pale over the water. Such beauty that for a minute Death and ambition, even love Dosen’t enter into this Happiness. It comes on Unexpectedly, and goes beyond, really, And early morning talk about it. “Happiness” ~ Raymond Carver

Breakfast on the run

Thus spake Aristotle

10 Jun 2013 1 87
Without meaningful work to do, there are signs of increasing boredom among those too young to retire: growing number of divorces among older couples and the fact that over half of the buyers of Harley motorcycles now are 45 or over. Aristotle offers a more positive alternative: keeping your brain alive. There are numerous ways that can be done at any age, some quite simple. A 2004 National Endowment for the Arts report demonstrated that people who read regularly are many times more likely than nonreaders to attend museums, plays, concerts, and sports events, and to participate in charity and volunteer activities. In sum, nonreaders tend to lead passive lives in front of televisions, while readers – regardless of age, gender, race or income – are more likely to be actively engaged in their communities and in pursuit of good life. As Aristotle points out, people who make healthy pursuit of the good life. As Aristotle points out, people who make healthy choices in one part of their lives tend to do so in other parts. Virtue is a contagion that spreads to all aspects of our being. In sum, Aristotle’s ancient ideas seem to have become ever-more relevant in recent years; his emphasis on the need for continual renewal is almost trendy. His belief that no humans ever reach their full capacity to learn, and that they all should be engaged in learning up to the moment of their passing, are now tenets of conventional wisdom. There is even some science to back his observations: we may be able to postpone the effects of aging. Gerontologists say that older people continue to learn thoroughout the course of their lives, and those who remain actively engaged in continual development of their many capabilities, feel and act younger than those who abandon the pleasure of seeking self-actualization. Because people today who are in their sixties and seventies have many good innings ahead of them, what better use is there for their time than to follow Aristotle’s advice and learn and do the things they missed in their youth? ~ Page 310

Lesson from Locksmith

An Autumn Day

Red Breasted Grosbeak

The Road

01 Mar 2008 1 97
Here is the road: the light comes and goes then returns again. Be gentle with your fellow travelers as they move through the world of stone and stars whirling with you yet every one alone. The road waits. Do not ask questions but when it invites you to dance at daybreak, say yes. Each step is the journey; a single note the song. "The Road" ~ Arlene Gay Levine

Keeping Memories

Autumn foliage

20 Nov 2012 99
"Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree." Emily Bronte

The Black Burnswickers [1860]

27 May 2012 157
By John Everett Millais (1829-1896) A young English woman trying to prevent her German lover from responding to his call to arms before the Battle of Waterloo



Ave Caesar! Morituri te salutant

10 Jun 2008 8 5 194
Hail Caesar! We who are about to die salute you. by Jean Leon Gerome, 1899, French ycba.yale.edu/education/edu_fellowships.html <b< HFF -- a great weekend to you all

A Capriccio of the Roman Forum

10 Jun 2008 3 2 865
-by Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1741, Italiana, Rome ycba.yale.edu/education/edu_fellowships.html

10869 items in total