Dinesh's photos

Pontiac Granx Prix SL1

On a Freezing but sunny morning

Storm on Ganges

TVR of England

Cliff Hngers

Abandoning the Concept of Free Will

22 Oct 2012 3 123
THE HUMAN INTERPRETER HAS SET UP FOR A FALL. It has created the illusion of self, and with it, the sense we humans have agency and “freely” make decisions about our actions. In many ways it is a terrific and positive capacity for humans to possess. With increasing intelligence and with a capacity to see relationships beyond what is immediately and perceptually apparent, how long would it be before our species began to wonder what it all meant – what was the meaning of life? The interpreter provides the storyline and narrative, and we all believe we are agents acting of our own free will, making important choices. The illusion is so powerful that there is no amount of analysis that will change our sensation that we are all acting willfully and with purpose. The simple truth is that even the most strident determinists and fatalists at the personal psychological level do not actually believe they are pawns in the brain’s chess game.

The Dragon Fly

Take off ~ from the moon

Grand River

05 Feb 2009 3 7 143
River Walk HFF to ye, all


08 May 2011 177


13 May 2011 6 6 140
A travern that was belly up! HWW Have a safe rest of the week

The Obsoletion of a language

13 Jun 2013 120
We knew it would happen, one of the laws. And that it would be this sudden. Words become a chewing action of the jaws and mouth, unheard by the only other citizen there was on earth ~ Kay Ryan

Krishna & Radha

28 May 2011 128

Detroit Airport / Monorail

Chevy Cruze ~ 12-5-12

10980 items in total