Dinesh's photos

A Neanderthal who's been given a shave and a new s…

Lawrence of Arabia

14 Feb 2018 1 141
The flower sets man a gigantic example of insubordination, courage, perseverance and ingenuity "News of Spring" Maurice Maeterlinck, 1862 - 1949

Lost in the withering petals

14 Feb 2018 112

The Library hour


On a Winter morning

On a Winter Morning

11 Dec 2016 1 117
My neighbour, -- the preliminaries before one starts the work day

Drinking Life To The Lees

What the plants have to 'say'

Toledo Farms

Carl Woese compared the genetic sequence of many d…

28 Jan 2018 2 28
Carl Woese compared the genetic sequence of many different organisms, especially, microbes, to construct phlogenetic tree of life. He found three distinct branches of life, including the previously unrecognized Archaea. The majority of the most deeply rooted organisms are extremophiles living at high temperature

Van Allen Belt

I'm going to make a cake

25 Aug 2017 3 276
24 Mar 2011 2 1 190
Watch a TV documentary set in an African game park and the response of prey animals like a herd of gazelle to the presence of predators seems unbelievably strange from the human viewpoint. If a lioness is lying at the edge of the herd, watching intently, picking out a target, this fearsome predator is likely only to be eyed briefly, if nervously, but its potential victims before the gazelle return to cropping the coarse grass. We would be thinking, "I've got a problem here. That lioness could hurt me or even kill me. I think I'll sneak away, just in case. Or at least I'll make sure there's a fatter, slower gazelle between me and the lioness." But this ability to project into the future, to be aware of potential circumstances and analyze consequences, isn't present in the gazelle. It is only when the attack commences that a flight response is triggered. ~ Page 9


19 Jan 2018 1 132
Why the Wind Blows and Other Mysteries of the Atmosphere "Noi viviamo sommersi nel fondo d'un pelago d'aria," ~ "We live submerged at the bottom of an ocean of air" ~ Torricelli

Into the dusk

13 Jan 2018 1 142
"There's a special quality to the loneliness of dusk, a melancholy more brooding even than the night's.” ― Ed Gorman, Everybody's Somebody's Fool

Figure 7.8 Arc of Instablity

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