Dinesh's photos


21 Jun 2018 2 91
06 Nov 2016 1 141
There is a persistent and terribly damaging myth about our economy, namely, that American economy poverty can, in principle, be eliminated -- if only there is better education, more jobs, more opportunity, and if people will just work hard, save, invest, and pull themselves up by their boot-straps. This is simply false. Our economy as it is presently structured requires substantial poverty. The present American economy requires that certain jobs have low wages: cleaning houses, caring for children, preparing fast food, picking vegetables, waiting on tables, doing heavy labor, washing dishes, washing cars, gardening, checking groceries, and so on. In order to support the lifestyles of three-quarters of our population, one quarter of our work force must be paid low wages. These are the people who make two-income families possible, because they take care of the house and the children, allow fast food outlets, restaurants, and hotels to exist, and perform other tedious unpleasant, unsafe, and physically difficult jobs that support middle', upper-middle, and upper-class life. ~ Page 421

Winterday neighbourhood

21 Nov 2015 1 1 104
When it snows heavy, all one can do is lower the window pane, and take an image!

Green Tea

16 Dec 2018 1 105
Kettle, container and green tea morning after morning my tea tastes better… falling mist ~ Ryan MacMichael www.tching.com/2012/12/tea-haiku

Winter Memories

Autumn Colour handout

Knitting - Afghan

16 Dec 2018 70

Autumn morning

16 Dec 2018 2 2 87
Email Upload

The message is clear....

13 Dec 2018 1 78
..... it's better to be sober even in ones own living room!

If you trim the hedges, please watch-out....

Plymouth ~ the smiley face

14 Jan 2019 1 99

Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden ~ Photographers all ....

Yosemite view

A Street Scene

10983 items in total