Dinesh's photos

Santa's Office

Veronese: Mars and Venus United by Love

17 Nov 2023 1 2 28
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paolo_Veronese Taking the theme from classical mythology, the Venetian painter Vernose celebrates in clothing, architecture, and landscape the luxurious wealth of the aristocracy (Painted ca 1580). The lush and curvaceous Venus and the muscular and powerfully built Mars suggest the anticipated pleasure of sexual activity and the frank sensuality of the age (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Yori, Kennedy Fund, 1910)

Defeat of the Spanish Armada

17 Nov 2023 1 1 29
The crescent-shaped formation was designed to force the English to fight at close quarters -- by ramming and boarding. when the English sent burning ships against the Spaniards, the crescent broke up, the English pounded the individual ships, and an Atlantic gale swept the Spaniards into the North Sea, finishing the work of destruction (National Maritime Museum, London)

Your choice.....?

17 Nov 2023 2 42
I have almost forgotten these characters. But thanks to Youtube, I can still watch them! :o)

Indoor morning walk

Take a seat

Brussels Sprout

16 Nov 2023 1 2 31
There is interesting information (Story?) for a vegetable too.....!
15 Nov 2023 24
Jerome Bosch: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hieronymus_Bosch Christ Before Pilate. Pilate (right) grasps the picture of water as he prepares to wash his hands. The peasant faces around Christ are vicious, grotesque, even bestial, perhaps signifying humanity’s stupid and blindness. (Princeton University)
12 Nov 2006 9 5 49
Know'st thou not at the fall of the leaf How the heart feels a languid grief Laid on it for a covering, And how sleep seems a goodly thing In Autumn at the fall of the leaf? And how the swift beat of the brain Falters because it is in vain, In Autumn at the fall of the leaf Knowest thou not? and how the chief Of joys seems—not to suffer pain? Know'st thou not at the fall of the leaf How the soul feels like a dried sheaf Bound up at length for harvesting, And how death seems a comely thing In Autumn at the fall of the leaf? ~ Autumn Song ~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti

A little birdie, enjoying the warmth of the mornin…


13 Nov 2023 1 24
Map of eastern Asia showing coastlines and major active faults (black lines). Arrows with white arrowheads show the movements of large regions (India, Tarim Basin, and South China) with respect to Eurasia. Dark black arrows pointing toward or away from one another indicate convergence or divergence across the intervening regions.

Barren yet beautiful landscape

Sorrow - My November Guest

03 Dec 2009 12 7 57
My Sorrow, when she's here with me, Thinks these dark days of autumn rain Are beautiful as days can be; She loves the bare, the withered tree; She walks the sodden pasture lane. Her pleasure will not let me stay. She talks and I am fain to list: She's glad the birds are gone away, She's glad her simple worsted grady Is silver now with clinging mist. The desolate, deserted trees, The faded earth, the heavy sky, The beauties she so ryly sees, She thinks I have no eye for these, And vexes me for reason why. Not yesterday I learned to know The love of bare November days Before the coming of the snow, But it were vain to tell he so, And they are better for her praise ~ Robert Frost

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