Dinesh's photos

23 Nov 2023 2 1 26
The Evolutionary tree of Whales offer clues to how coyote-like mammals gradually adopted to life in the ocean www.ideastream.org/news/health-science/2014-08-04/in-search-of-walking-whales

Spring 2016

Snow day Nov., 22 2015

22 Nov 2015 3 3 31
Many people with whom I was in contact were not fond of Winter. I was OK with Winter in spite of shoveling the DriveWay early morning before going to work. With a snow blower it took more than half an hour to clear this area. On Average it is about 48 inches of snow fell in Lansing MI

Just thinking

21 Nov 2023 4 1 37
Got up on a cool morning. Leaned out a window. No cloud, no wind. Air that flowers held for awhile. Some dove somewhere. Been on probation most of my life. And the rest of my life been condemned. So these moments count for a lot--peace, you know. Let the bucket of memory down into the well, bring it up. Cool, cool minutes. No one stirring, no plans. Just being there. This is what the whole thing is about. ~ Just Thinking ~ William Stafford

End of the tunnel

Ginevra de Benci

20 Nov 2023 4 3 26
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519. Da Vinci painted this Florentine lady early in his career, when he was about 22. Her pale face stands out against the dark juniper tree – ginepra in Italian, a reference to her name – in the background. Its expression of a deep inner life led the contemporary Vasari to say of the painting, “it looked like Ginevra herself and not like a picture.” Work on this portrait perhaps prepared da Vinci for the ‘Mono Lisa,’ which he started soon afterword (National Gallery of Art, Washington; Ailsa Mellow Bruce Fund)

An artist

25 May 2014 6 1 33
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grounds_For_Sculpture www.groundsforsculpture.org

Feast of Gods

19 Nov 2023 2 22
Giovanni Bellini en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Bellini In this pastoral scene based on a story of the Roman poet Ovid, Olympian gods picnic in a wooded grove as satyrs and nymphs serve them. The peacock in the tree symbolizes the gods’ immortality. The pagan theme, the appreciation for perspective and nature, and the sensual atmosphere make this painting a fine example of Italian Renaissance classicism. (National Gallery of Art, Washington: Widener Collection)

La Sposalizio (Wedding)

19 Nov 2023 3 20
Raphael (ca 1504) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael Younger than Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci but considered their equal as a master of High Renaissance, Raphael produced this visionary painting of the marriage of Mary and Joseph when he was just 21 years old. It reflects a superb grasp of symmetry and perspective. The Temple in the background suggests Raphael’s genius as a architect, (Scala / Art Resources)
19 Nov 2023 4 2 30
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_of_the_Litom%C4%9B%C5%99ice_Altarpiece The Mérode Altarpiece is a triptych whose three panels show, the donor and his wife, left panel, The Annunciation, middle panel, and St Joseph on the right panel. The mysterious figure of the donor in the left wing wears the badge of the town of Malines but his identity is unknown. The central panel is a depiction of a middle-class room in which the Annunciation takes place. The settee which the Virgin leans against is typical of a style common in the Netherlands but the room is filled with the religious symbolism associated with this event. The lilies in the vase symbolise Mary's virginity. The scroll and the book represent the Old and the New Testaments.

The Otoman Slave Tax

19 Nov 2023 2 1 24
This contemporary drawing shows Ottoman officials rounding up male Christian children in the Balkans. The children became part of a special slave corps, which served the sultan for life as soldiers and administrators. The slave tax and the slave corps were of great importance to the Ottoman Turks in the struggle with Austria (The British Museum)

Emme Koppala Bus stop { ಬಸ್ ತಂಗುದಾಣ }

17 Feb 2015 10 11 45
A typical scene of rural places of Karnataka. The simple village folks spend their times at any public place which will be their regular place of meeting. They sit, chat and smoke. They know not, what the word "Stress" is in Western societies. (P.S They have temporary stresses, -- with basic living conditions) This image was photographed from the bus through the glass, while travelling from Mangalore to Bangalore. Opted for bus to look around. But could get only a few images during the whole trip of about 8 hours HBM ladies and gentlemen

Choice of Colours

18 Nov 2023 2 1 33
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Poussin Poussin: The Rape of the Sabine Women considered the greatest French painter of the seventeenth century. Poussin in this dramatic work (ca.1636) shows his complete devotion to the ideas of classicism. The heroic figures are superb physical specimens, but hardly life-like. (Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York [Dick Fund, 1846])

She wont see me....

Mangalore from Mallikatta

14 Feb 2015 4 1 30

10869 items in total