Andy's photos

16 Feb 2014

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446 visits


Taken at Welford Park

18 Feb 2014

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348 visits

Winchester Cathedral

An HDR of the inside of Winchester Cathedral

16 Feb 2014

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359 visits

St Gregory's Church, Welford

Welford Park is a private residence, and for most of the year neither it nor its grounds are open to the public. However in a tradition that is now over 50 years old, the grounds are opened to enable visitors to view the year's bloom of Snowdrops

01 Feb 2014

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556 visits

Owl Butterfly

Taken at Wisley Gardens in Surrey.

01 Feb 2014

9 favorites


605 visits

Malachite Butterfly

Taken at Wisley Gardens in Surrey.

01 Dec 2013

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1 comment

587 visits

Portsmouth Harbour

Long exposure looking out from the jetty at the Square Tower.

01 Dec 2013

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593 visits

HMS Warrior

Warrior, launched in 1860, was the pride of Queen Victoria's fleet. Powered by steam and sail, she was the largest, fastest and most powerful ship of her day and had a profound effect on naval architecture. Warrior was, in her time, the ultimate deterrent. Yet within a few years she was obsolete.

01 Dec 2013

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650 visits

Portsmouth Harbour

Long exposure from Gosport looking towards the Spinnaker Tower.

13 Nov 2013

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1 comment

511 visits


95 items in total

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