Andy's photos

26 Jul 2014

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447 visits

Herne Bay

Evening crabbing on the beach

19 Jul 2014

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329 visits


08 Jun 2014

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327 visits

Young Damselfly

21 May 2014

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373 visits


This very grey-coloured dabbling duck, a little smaller than the mallard, and with an obvious black rear end. It shows a white wing patch in flight. When seen close up the grey colour is made up of exquisitely fine barring and speckling. It nests in low numbers in the UK and is an Amber List species.

21 May 2014

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375 visits

Little Owl

30 Apr 2014

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428 visits

Southampton Container Port

The container port has 210 acres of land – not counting the 375 acres in the older Western Docks – available for port operations. Loading and unloading operations can be performed simultaneously on four large deep-sea container ships, plus one smaller ship. This makes it the country's second largest such terminal after Felixstowe

30 Apr 2014

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551 visits

Southampton Container Port

The container port has 210 acres of land – not counting the 375 acres in the older Western Docks – available for port operations. Loading and unloading operations can be performed simultaneously on four large deep-sea container ships, plus one smaller ship. This makes it the country's second largest such terminal after Felixstowe

30 Apr 2014

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362 visits

Southampton Container Port

The container port has 210 acres of land – not counting the 375 acres in the older Western Docks – available for port operations. Loading and unloading operations can be performed simultaneously on four large deep-sea container ships, plus one smaller ship. This makes it the country's second largest such terminal after Felixstowe

22 Mar 2014

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459 visits

Polesden Lacey

Polesden Lacey is an Edwardian house and estate. It is located on the North Downs at Great Bookham, near Dorking, Surrey, England. It is owned and run by the National Trust and is one of the Trust's most popular properties.
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