
succulent flora

echeveria glauca

02 Jun 2013 29 17 765
una delle mie succulente Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

succulent buds

25 Jan 2017 50 29 992
Sarò impegnatissima fino alla fine del mese, farò quello che potrò. Saluti a tutti ! PS: c'è qualche problema qui su ipernity ... bisogna avere pazienza: FR: ipernity traverse d'importantes turbulences, mais sans gravité. L'équipe technique professionnelle mandatée par l'IMA procède depuis deux jours à des investigations intensives, avec l'assistance de Christophe Ruelle. Vous en saurez plus grâce au bilan détaillé fait aujourd'hui par Bernhard ici : Croyez-bien que tout le monde est désolé de ces dysfonctionnements et que tout est mis en œuvre pour un retour à la normale le plus rapidement possible. Merci de nous garder votre confiance, et de transmettre cette information ainsi que notre optimisme à vos contacts. EN: ipernity goes through significant turbulences; but not that serious. The professional technical team mandated by the IMA has been conducting intensive investigations for two days, with the assistance of Christophe Ruelle. You'll find out more information thanks to the detailed review done today by Bernhard here: Be sure that everybody is sorry for this malfunction and that everything is done to get back to normal as quickly as possible. Thank you for your confidence, and for conveying this information and our optimism to your contacts not yet informed. Explored Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

kalanchoe tubiflora

29 Jan 2017 18 8 431
dal mio balcone Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Sedum Palmeri Rubromarginatum

02 Apr 2018 22 13 399
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

aloe vista mare

18 Jan 2016 19 13 334
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

aptenia cordifolia

21 Jul 2018 30 10 489
Pianta tappezzante succulenta originaria dell'Africa meridionale, ma ormai molto diffusa in tutta l'area mediterranea. Ha sottili fusti prostrati, molto ramificati e confusi, carnosi, che portano numerose foglioline a forma di cuore allungato, lunghe 3-4 centimetri, di colore verde brillante, spesse e turgide Da primavera inoltrata fino all'estate produce numerosissimi piccoli fiori a forma di margherita, con svariati petali lineari, di colore bianco, rosa, viola o rosso, a seconda della varietà. Questa mia pianta deriva da un rametto trovato spezzato e raccolto qui in Liguria. Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Painting ...

18 Jul 2018 53 37 751
un fiore del mio balcone HO ARRETRATI ENORMI, SCUSATE I RITARDI ! Explored Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

graptopetalum piangente ;-)

31 Oct 2018 21 8 452
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

quite ready

14 Feb 2014 26 11 373
sedum Palmeri rubromarginatum also this year on my balcony Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

dal basso

22 May 2011 19 11 484
L'aloe cura il cancro ? A oggi non esistono studi scientifici che dimostrano un ruolo certo dell'Aloe vera nella prevenzione o nella cura del cancro ma alcuni dei composti contenuti nella pianta sono attualmente in fase di studio. Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

in fiore sul mio balcone

23 Dec 2018 42 23 601
echeveria glauca Explored Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Kalanchoe Quicksilver

06 Mar 2019 19 7 377
sul mio balcone Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Euphorbia milii

06 Mar 2019 25 11 537
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

varie succulente

04 Apr 2019 8 3 277
a Varigotti, Liguria, di fronte al mare Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

nuovo sedum palmeri rubromarginatum !

02 Mar 2019 24 11 514
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

testa coronata ;-)

28 Apr 2019 19 10 456
Mammillaria cactus Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

aptenia cordifolia

15 Oct 2014 19 16 806
ancora in fiore sul mio balcone Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci


18 Jul 2019 12 4 314
una varietà che ha le foglie edibili, ma personalmente non le ho mai assaggiate... Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

196 items in total