
succulent flora


25 Jul 2021 31 20 196
on my balcony Explored Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

aptenia cordifolia

25 Jul 2021 15 8 173
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

la mia Portulaca

29 Jun 2021 41 29 307
nata dai semini che avevo raccolto lo scorso anno sul mio balcone. (sono ancora impegnatissima ...) Explored Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

una volta mi chiamavano Mesembriantemo

18 Feb 2011 22 15 1075
Carpobrotus (commonly known as Pigface, Hottentot Plant or Ice plants) is a genus of ground-creeping plants, with succulent leaves and large daisy-like flowers. The name refers to the edible fruits. It comes from the Greek "karpos" (fruit) and "brota" (edible). Carpobrotus N.E. Br, 1925 è un genere di piante appartenente alla famiglia delle Aizoaceae, il cui nome deriva dal greco "karpos" (frutto) e "brotos" (edule). Volgarmente indicato come fico degli Ottentotti, è conosciuto in Italia anche con il nome unghia di strega. Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © fotomie2009 - Nora Caracci

cotyledon undulata

02 Aug 2012 8 10 806
la scorsa fioritura, ora sta mettendo fuori i nuovi boccioli Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Echinopsis Eyriesii

06 May 2011 15 15 927
from my balcony Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © fotomie2009 - Nora Caracci

Pink Lampranthus

05 May 2013 16 20 1205
Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Parodia Microsperma Aureispina

14 May 2010 17 8 843
From my balcony This cactus is a compact plant from Argentina that could develop up to seven golden-yellow flowers simultaneously in early summer that remain open for about three days, here they were more than 7 & it was May ! Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Cotyledon undulata

04 Aug 2013 18 8 881
from my balcony This new blossom has a more delicate pink, I add a shot of a year ago Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Parodia microsperma aureispina

07 Mar 2012 14 10 727
Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Portulaca grandiflora

26 Jan 2010 7 10 831
Il fiore del sole: Chevalier d'onze heures Pourpier à grandes fleurs Japanese rose Purslane Moss rose Rock rose sundial rose Sun plant Hoa mười giờ Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Echinopsis Oxygona ssp. Eyriesii

17 Aug 2013 18 14 1011
From my balcony Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

portulaca grandiflora

19 Aug 2013 8 8 621
Il fiore del sole: Chevalier d'onze heures Pourpier à grandes fleurs Japanese rose Purslane Moss rose Rock rose Sundial rose Sun plant Hoa mười giờ Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

a Sedum of mines

15 Apr 2013 36 21 1030
non sono mai riuscita a identificarlo, forse è un ibrido, ce ne sono tanti ... PiP per un'altra visione in piena luce e fioritura Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

portulaca grandiflora

17 Sep 2013 12 14 981
End of season, they have more delicate colours ... Other names, in various languages: sundial peach rose rock rose Japanese rose moss rose sun plant purslane pourpier à grandes fleurs chevalier d'onze heures Hoa mười giờ Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

X sedeveria

06 Feb 2013 18 12 718
Ibridata da una Echeveria e da un Sedum Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

auguro a tutti un 2014 senza spine !

15 Dec 2011 38 33 1047
magari sarà impossibile, allora auguro spine dorate e molto delicate come quelle della mia Parodia aureispina, possono essere accarezzate senza conseguenze spiacevoli ! Mi dicono che è stata su Explore... Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

a succulent from my balcony

19 Aug 2013 14 10 747
Delosperma cooperi (syn. Mesembryanthemum cooperi; common names Trailing Iceplant or "Pink Carpet") is a dwarf perennial plant, native to South Africa. It forms a dense lawn with abundant, long-lasting flowering. It will reach sizes of approximately 10-15 cm tall, with fleshy leaves and a trailing stem that hangs down. The flowers are the most brilliant aspect of this plant, with the production of a great quantity of vermillion, magenta or pink flowers that will often cover the entire site. Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

196 items in total